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Hunan Administration of Drug Addiction Treatment: Adhere to the "Three Directions" to Build a Business Leader

Source: Rednet Author: Wang Tao Editor: Min Meiying 2014-10-10 14:24:41
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In view of the current situation of the lack of medical and health talents in the whole system, the difficulty and risk of drug treatment, and in order to build a high-quality drug treatment medical police team, and effectively improve the medical and health security level of drug treatment places, the Drug Treatment Administration of Hunan Province adheres to the demand orientation, practice orientation, and effect orientation, In recent days, 181 police for medical and health posts in the whole system have been organized in two batches for centralized off job rotation training to improve the theoretical professional level of the police and their ability to apply what they have learned to solve practical problems, which has achieved good results.
   First, adhere to demand orientation and select training content According to the requirements of "what is lacking, what is needed", we carried out research on training needs, adjusted the focus of lectures according to the new situation and new tasks faced by the current drug rehabilitation medical treatment in the workplace and the needs of the police for drug rehabilitation medical knowledge, and determined the Biological Basis of Addiction Behavior, Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental Disorders Caused by Psychoactive Substances, Rescue of Acute and Critical Diseases of Drug Addicts Training courses such as "Drug Treatment" and "Detailed Management of Drug Treatment Ward" enhance the pertinence of training content.
Second, adhere to the practice orientation and highlight ability training Go out of the misunderstanding of "talking on paper" in training, enhance the interactivity and practicality of training, guide the combination of learning and thinking, learning and application of police participating in training, and improve their ability to use what they have learned to guide practice, solve problems, and promote work. Pay attention to the interaction between teachers and students, add a question and answer link in the theoretical teaching, and answer and discuss the key and difficult problems encountered in the actual work through the form of question and answer; In each training class, group discussions and speeches at the conference are arranged to exchange and discuss topics set in advance and jointly study solutions; According to the current situation of different medical facilities and different clinical experiences of medical personnel in the province, the police participating in the training were organized to go to three hospitals directly under the provincial government with better facilities and medical standards for field observation, and professional doctors were hired from Xiangya Hospital and the Provincial People's Hospital to carry out clinical demonstration teaching, so as to improve the practical experience of the police participating in the training.
   Third, adhere to the effect orientation and strive to improve the training quality We strengthened organizational leadership, took training discipline seriously, and the bureau leaders reviewed the curriculum and training courseware, invited famous teachers to give lectures, which provided a strong guarantee for improving the training effect. Establish a training effect feedback mechanism. At the end of the training, take the form of questionnaire to evaluate the training effect, and make statistical analysis of the evaluation results in a timely manner, as an important basis for improving the training work. In the training effect questionnaire survey, the police participating in the training generally reflected that the training content was highly targeted and the training methods were flexible and novel, which helped greatly to improve the professional level and practical ability, and boosted the confidence of medical drug attack.

Source: Rednet

Author: Wang Tao

Editor: Min Meiying

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