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Hunan Provincial Flood Control Office Consolidates the Achievements of Mass Line Activities to Improve the Service Level of Flood Control and Drought Relief

Source: Rednet Author: Xie Shenghu Wang Lin Editor: Min Meiying 2014-09-12 17:00:18
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As a permanent office of the Hunan Provincial Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters, the Hunan Provincial Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters Office (hereinafter referred to as the Provincial Flood Control and Drought Relief Office) is mainly responsible for the daily management and emergency affairs of the provincial flood control and drought relief work. Since the Party's mass line education and practice activities have been carried out in depth, the Provincial Prevention Office has effectively strengthened the sense of purpose of party members and cadres, paid close attention to the construction of work style and team, insisted on using the results of education and practice activities to promote the development of flood control and drought relief work, and constantly improved the level of comprehensive coordination and staff services, making active efforts to achieve the general goal of flood control and drought relief of the provincial party committee and government, The work has achieved remarkable results.
   Change the style of work and show a new look
The key to changing the style of work lies in implementation. The provincial prevention office gave full play to the role of flood control and drought relief supervision system. From May to July this year, it organized inspectors to carry out a number of special inspections, including Yueyang City, Yiyang City, Liulin River channel barrier clearing, more than 120 provincial-level flood control sand and gravel reserve points storage management, more than 110 large and medium-sized reservoirs (hydropower stations) flood reporting Operation management of 110 county-level mountain flood disaster prevention non engineering measures projects, and waterlogging in the ancient city of Phoenix due to heavy rainfall. Director Bai Chaohai interviewed in person and asked Wangcheng District, Xiangyin County, Lusong District and Kaifu District to make rectification within a time limit, which effectively promoted the implementation of specific work.
At the same time, the provincial defense office attaches importance to in-depth research. In combination with the mass line education practice activities, the provincial prevention office sent a research team to go deep into the city and county front-line to understand the situation, explore experience, find problems, and urge the construction of drought emergency water source projects, county level mountain flood disaster prevention non engineering measures projects, and the construction and management of drought service teams. Before the flood this year, we specially organized some flood control experts, water conservancy bureaus and heads of prevention offices in three counties of Huarong, Anxiang and Nanxian to discuss the preparations for flood control and drought relief, predict and analyze the situation of flood control and drought relief, study new situations and problems, and jointly discuss the countermeasures for flood and drought disasters.
   Serve the people's livelihood and deliver results
The provincial prevention office adheres to the combination of educational practice activities and flood control and drought relief work, and provides high-quality and efficient services for flood control and drought relief work in the province. First, we will make every effort to deal with rainstorm and flood. Since the flood season began this year, nine heavy rains have occurred in the province. The provincial prevention office has taken flood control and drought relief work as the biggest practice of mass line education activities, strengthened the duty force, strictly observed the work discipline, carried forward the fine tradition of continuous combat and selfless dedication, closely monitored the changes of rain, water, disasters and dangerous situations, comprehensively collected the flood control and drought relief actions, and timely comprehensively analyzed the information, Put forward the advice of the staff scientifically, deliver the instructions of the provincial defense index as soon as possible, and urge the implementation of the deployment and requirements of the provincial party committee, the provincial government and the provincial defense index. On June 20, after receiving the urgent notice from Governor Du Jiahao that he would organize and convene the Chamber of Commerce of the Provincial Flood Control and Prevention Committee, the Provincial Flood Control Office made full preparations for various meetings in less than 30 minutes, and quickly conveyed the instructions of the Governor to all regions after the meeting.
The second is to scientifically arrange funds for flood control and drought relief. In case of heavy rainfall, the provincial prevention office shall timely organize the report of disasters and nuclear disasters, and actively apply to the National Flood Control General, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Water Resources for the central extra large flood control subsidy. Establish a disaster data analysis model, scientifically evaluate and analyze the disaster, make overall arrangements for the central and provincial flood control and drought relief subsidies, support the repair of flood damaged water conservancy projects in disaster areas, help solve the urgent livelihood problems, and maximize the benefits of flood control and drought relief funds. During the "July 17" rainstorm and flood, the Provincial Prevention Office and the Provincial Department of Finance allocated 100 million yuan of provincial flood control subsidies overnight, which strongly supported the flood control and flood relief work of the province.
Third, actively promote mountain torrent disaster prevention projects. In our province, mountain torrents are prone to occur frequently, which greatly threatens the lives and safety of the masses. Since the end of the flood season in 2010, the provincial prevention office has completed the task of constructing non engineering measures for mountain flood disaster prevention in 110 counties and cities in three years, effectively improving the mountain flood disaster prevention ability and reducing the loss of mountain flood disasters. After the launch of the mountain flood disaster prevention project at the end of the flood season in 2013, the provincial prevention office strengthened project management, explored a new mode of construction and management, improved project construction management methods, and fully promoted project construction. In particular, the first project construction application commitment system was fully affirmed by Governor Du Jiahao and the National Defense Office.
The fourth is to carefully implement the drought relief emergency water source project. Taking the interests of the masses as the starting point and the foothold, we will strengthen the problem orientation and highlight the solution to people's livelihood problems such as unsafe drinking water. In view of the exposure of the province's ultra historical drought in 2013, 20 million yuan was allocated from the central government's extraordinary drought relief subsidy to support the construction of drought emergency water source projects in western Hunan, mainly including water cellars, well drilling and pond renovation, benefiting more than 45000 people and improving the irrigation area of 14400 mu. This year, in accordance with the national plan, we organized the implementation of the drought emergency water source project in our province in a timely manner, focusing on the construction of small reservoirs in 12 counties, and the construction of water diversion and diversion projects in 45 counties, so as to solve the domestic water problem of people in drought prone areas.
Fifth, organize the preparation of flood risk maps for key areas. The Provincial Prevention Office actively coordinated with relevant departments, organized six cities in the Xiangjiang River basin, including Changsha, to seriously carry out the preparation of flood risk maps, scientifically evaluated the impact of floods on cities and towns in key areas of our province, and provided scientific basis for flood control command and decision-making.

Source: Rednet

Author: Xie Shenghu Wang Lin

Editor: Min Meiying

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