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Chengbu: relying on advantageous resources to create characteristic villages

Source: Rednet Author: Dong Wu Editor: Min Meiying 2014-08-26 19:08:18
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Villages with ethnic minority characteristics are an important carrier for inheriting ethnic minority cultural activities, as well as an important platform and a powerful grasp for promoting national unity and progress and creating activities to enter villages and households. In recent years, Chengbu Miao Autonomous County, located at the border of Hunan and Guangxi, attaches great importance to the construction of villages with ethnic characteristics. Relying on unique and rich ethnic cultural resources and the original ecological environment, it has taken practical measures to strengthen the construction of villages with ethnic characteristics, and has achieved remarkable results.
Attach great importance to and constantly strengthen working measures. In order to ensure the effective protection and development of characteristic villages, Chengbu held the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and the Office Meeting of the County Magistrate to carry out special research, established a leading group with the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and the Deputy County Magistrate in charge of ethnic work as the team leader, and the heads of relevant units as the members, and established leading groups in all relevant towns and villages to ensure the orderly development of this work. At the same time, strict reward and punishment measures were introduced, which included the project construction work of each village in the scope of performance appraisal. The supervision office of the county party committee also included the project construction progress of each unit in the scope of major matters supervision, and reported the supervision situation in a timely manner, so as to urge the units participating in the site to implement the task.
Clear objectives and highlight the theme of protection and development. We have firmly grasped the theme of "two commonalities" in ethnic work, focused on improving people's livelihood, organically combined economic development, cultural inheritance and ecological protection, and formulated development plans for 20 characteristic villages, Focusing on the protection and transformation of characteristic folk houses, we will strengthen infrastructure construction, improve the living environment, take the cultivation of characteristic industries as the lead, promote the income increase of ethnic minority people, enhance self-development ability, and take the national unity and progress creation activities as the carrier to enhance exchanges and exchanges among ethnic groups and build harmonious villages. Qingxi Village in Rulin Town hired Guilin University of Technology to prepare the Conservation and Development Plan of Qingxi Miao Village in Rulin Town, Chengbu Miao Autonomous County, which was rated as the key cultural relics protection unit in Hunan Province and one of the top ten villages with ethnic characteristics in Hunan Province. The village retains more than 110 ancient buildings of Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, and further strengthens the protection of 18 complete quadrangles. At the same time, a wide range of activities were carried out to strengthen civilization construction, and a variety of channels and ways were adopted to carry out the "three civilizations" creation activities among the villagers, such as "star farmers", "virtue in farmers", "five good families" and a series of evaluation and creation activities, thus improving the awareness of the villagers to advocate civilization and establish a new style, It has laid a foundation for the protection, construction and harmonious development of characteristic villages.
Make overall arrangements and do a good job in the construction of characteristic villages. In recent years, Chengbu has invested more than 80 million yuan in total, and implemented hundreds of projects in 20 typical villages. Featured residential construction project, featured planting and breeding, national product development, and national rural tourism industry have covered 20 featured villages. The industry of "one village, one product" has begun to take shape, and the steady income increase of villagers has achieved remarkable results. Through "three changes" and "four sides" greening, environmental protection management and village environment renovation have been implemented, and the living environment has been thoroughly improved. The implementation of transportation, water conservancy, power, clean energy and other projects has provided convenient conditions for the production and life of villagers. The construction of more than 2500 characteristic folk houses has not only improved the living environment of the villagers, but also added luster to the characteristic villages. In particular, Dazhai Village of Changanying Township, Bianxi Village of Dankou Town, Taolin Village, Hengshui Village of Tingping Township, and Qingxi Village of Rulin Town have been listed as the villages with national ethnic minority characteristics. This year, 19 million yuan of departmental funds have been integrated to build a "ten mile long village" tourism development zone centered on Dazhai Village of Changanying Township. Nowadays, many characteristic villages with beautiful production, life, environment, humanity and idyllic beauty have sprung up in the land of Miaoling Mountain Township, and ecological and cultural tourism in the county has become increasingly popular, which has attracted many tourists.
(The author is the deputy head of the People's Government of Chengbu Miao Autonomous County, Hunan Province)

Source: Rednet

Author: Dong Wu

Editor: Min Meiying

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