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Sichuan refined gas control measures, Chengdu got rid of the title of "Dust City" in four years

Source: website of Ministry of Environmental Protection Editor: Min Meiying 2014-01-21 14:36:09
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China Environment News reporter Wang Xiaoling, Cao Xiaojia, correspondent Wei Xudong, reported in Chengdu that the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution in Sichuan Province (hereinafter referred to as the Detailed Rules) had recently been reviewed and approved by the executive meeting of the Sichuan Provincial Government.

"The Detailed Rules is a comprehensive action plan for the prevention and control of air pollution, and it is also the 'strictest and most comprehensive' action plan for the prevention and control of air pollution in Sichuan so far. In four years, the environmental air quality of Sichuan Province will be comprehensively improved, and Chengdu is expected to get rid of the nickname of" dust capital "." Jiang Xiaoting, director of Sichuan Environmental Protection Department, said.

The Detailed Rules specify that by 2017, the average annual concentration of PM10 in the province will be 10% lower than that in 2012. The average annual concentration of PM10 in Chengdu decreased by more than 25% compared with 2012, and the average annual concentration of PM2.5 decreased by more than 20% compared with 2013.

In terms of key industry governance, the Detailed Rules require accelerating the transformation of desulfurization, denitrification and dust removal of key industry enterprises, and comprehensively regulating small coal-fired boilers; In terms of urban environmental management, it is required to focus on controlling non-point source pollution; In terms of urban traffic management, we will promote urban intelligent traffic management and strengthen the construction of pedestrian and bicycle traffic systems; In terms of eliminating backward production capacity, it is required to complete the task of eliminating backward production capacity during the 12th Five Year Plan one year in advance.

At the same time, the Detailed Rules also proposed that on the basis of implementing new pollution control measures such as environmental assessment and total amount control, we should actively implement special emission limits in key control areas for air pollution prevention and control, and strictly control the construction of "two high" projects; We should increase the proportion of clean energy use, control coal consumption and improve energy efficiency; It is necessary to strengthen cleaner production audit for heavy pollution industries and implement recycling transformation of parks; It is necessary to further improve the construction of the provincial air automatic monitoring network, form a unified layout and comprehensive environmental air quality monitoring network, and establish an emergency early warning system for heavily polluted weather.

Source: website of Ministry of Environmental Protection

Editor: Min Meiying

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