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Xiamen New Rule: Forbid Leading Cadres from Exercising and Holding Funeral Marriages

Source: Xinhuanet Author: Zheng Liang Editor: Min Meiying 2013-11-22 15:41:14
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Xinhua Fuzhou, November 22 (Reporter Zheng Liang) Xiamen recently issued the Interim Provisions on Leading Cadres' Reporting on Marriage, Funeral, Marriage and Other Matters, which prohibits leading cadres from collecting money by holding big exercises to hold weddings, funerals and other matters.

The "Regulations" require that leading cadres and their immediate family members should enhance their consciousness of integrity and self-discipline, take the lead in changing customs, strictly control the scale, and strictly prohibit large-scale operations, taking the opportunity to collect money, and strictly prohibit private use of public vehicles in handling matters such as weddings and funerals, birthday greetings, moving to a new home, and studying abroad.

Xiamen stipulates that leading cadres must report on matters such as marriage, funeral and marriage. The reporting system includes pre report and post report. Leading cadres shall fill in the Report Form on Marriage, Funeral, Wedding and Other Matters of Leading Cadres in Xiamen 15 days in advance when handling festive events, stating the reasons, time, place, scale, standards and invitees. And sign a commitment to clean government, which includes not violating the regulations and carrying out major operations; Personnel of management service objects and associated companies of their own business are not invited; Do not take the opportunity to collect money, and do not accept gifts from units or individuals related to the exercise of authority. Funeral matters can be reported to the unit in oral or written form before handling.

Xiamen also standardized the post event report. Leading cadres shall fill in the "Situation Report Form" within 15 days after the event, including the invitation scale and specifications; Information of invitees; Handling of cash gifts received; Whether there are matters beyond the scope of pre accident report.

The "Regulations" point out that the discipline inspection and supervision organ and organization department shall investigate and verify those who fail to report on time without proper reasons, report untruthfully, or conceal the truth, and, depending on the seriousness of the case, take such measures as criticism and education, ordering inspection, admonishing conversation, circulating criticism, and organizing treatment. The leading cadres who violate the regulations in handling weddings, funerals, weddings, funerals and other matters, and take advantage of the opportunity to earn money, will be severely punished according to the party and government disciplines.

The promulgation of the "Regulations" has caused great repercussions in the city. Jiang Genyun, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Haicang District Committee and secretary of the District Commission for Discipline Inspection in Xiamen, said that Haicang District, on the basis of the municipal regulations, will further refine the implementation rules in combination with the situation of the district, and expand the scope of the report objects from leaders at the level of deputy department or above specified by the city to leaders at the level of deputy section or above, as well as leaders at the middle level or above of state-owned enterprises owned by the district, leaders in charge of state-owned enterprises owned by towns (streets) and village (residents) secretaries Director, realize the "full coverage" of the reporting objects, promote the integrity and self-discipline of cadres, and honest administration, and drive the improvement of social atmosphere with the change of cadre atmosphere.

Source: Xinhuanet

Author: Zheng Liang

Editor: Min Meiying

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