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Gansu: Rectify for the people and deal with violations without mercy

Source: Xinhuanet Author: Wang Bo Editor: Min Meiying 2013-11-07 14:52:42
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Xinhua Lanzhou, November 7 (Reporter Wang Bo) In Gansu Province, in carrying out the mass line education practice activities, we worked hard and made solid rectification. We were merciless in dealing with disciplinary violations, which promoted the change of cadres' style.

For some long-standing "four styles", the Gansu Provincial Party Committee led the rectification from top to bottom, and the provincial leading cadres made seven commitments to the public, including taking the lead not to accept or give gifts, taking the lead against extravagance and waste, and taking the lead against running errands and dignitaries, which were announced in the media and accepted supervision; The provincial party committee team took the lead in cleaning up office buildings, returning various membership cards, regulating official vehicles, standardizing off-road vehicle management, and setting an example for provincial cadres.

The first batch of 134 units that participated in educational practice activities in Gansu Province have all come up with specific and feasible rectification plans with clear goals, clear time limits after a comparative inspection.

In Gansu, many villages and towns are located in remote areas, and the roads are rugged. It is not uncommon for the emergency vehicles in county hospitals to delay the patients' condition and even lead to the death of patients due to the long distance. Today, such concerns are much less. Zhao Huihu, a village doctor in Xuandao Village, Lianfeng Town, Weiyuan County, said, "The township hospitals are equipped with the same emergency vehicles as the county hospitals, so patients can be transferred to nearby hospitals for treatment, which is much more convenient."

Since the implementation of mass line education practice activities, Gansu Provincial Department of Health has raised funds to cover 120 emergency networks in rural areas to all villages and towns in the province in order to solve the problem of first aid for rural patients. At the same time, the system of receiving emergency patients first and handling procedures later is fully implemented in public hospitals above Level II to ensure timely rescue; For urban and rural patients with minimum living allowances, rural households with five guarantees and landless patients, methods such as diagnosis and treatment first, payment later or appropriate fee reduction and exemption shall be adopted to avoid delay in diagnosis and treatment due to cost problems.

This practical measure is the epitome of the rectification of the mass line education practice activities for the people in Gansu Province. During the rectification, the first batch of units in Gansu Province that participated in the mass line education practice activities focused on people's livelihood, focused on window units and law enforcement departments, solved more than 1800 people's livelihood problems that were strongly reflected by the masses, and made the rectification measures public in the local media to accept the supervision of the masses.

Chang Shifu, a driver working in a municipal office in Gansu, told reporters that the expressway in Gansu was "not high-speed", and the law enforcement of road speed measurement was "mysterious", which made them headache. In response to the response of the masses, the Gansu Provincial Public Security Department immediately changed the speed limit standard of the expressway, standardized the traffic speed measurement behavior, clearly stipulated that the mobile speed measurement must use standard police cars, and set up seven interval speed measurement systems with the Provincial Highway Administration, set up speed measurement warning signs, and announced to the public, It also coordinated with relevant departments to establish a work mechanism for illegal non local payment of road traffic safety in the province.

Faced with the "difficulty of entering the kindergarten" and "high cost of school selection", Gansu Provincial Department of Education promised to build, renovate and expand 500 kindergartens within the year; At the same time, it also studies and implements the balanced development of county compulsory education and the construction project of weak schools.

Food and drug safety issues have been strongly reflected by the public. Gansu Food and Drug Administration has opened the "safe drug use" expert consultation hotline to carry out popular science publicity on food and drug safety, and strengthen the supervision and management of enterprises and personnel who violate the regulatory provisions on drugs and medical devices and produce and sell fake and substandard food.

Gansu resolutely implements "zero tolerance" for some violations against the wind. Since August, Gansu has reported 24 typical problems of violating the "eight points" of the Central Committee against the wind throughout the province, and made admonishment talks, party discipline and political discipline sanctions, and dismissal of the parties. More than 200 people involved in illegal acts such as public banquets, public tourism, excessive bonus payments, physical objects, and private use of public cars were investigated for responsibility and organized to deal with them. We seriously dealt with 223 public officials involved in investing in enterprises and ordered all relevant personnel to withdraw. Up to now, all relevant problems have been corrected.

Source: Xinhuanet

Author: Wang Bo

Editor: Min Meiying

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