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Qinghai Provincial Finance Spends 100 Million Yuan to Prevent Air Pollution in Eastern Urban Agglomeration

Source: website of Ministry of Environmental Protection Editor: Min Meiying 2013-11-07 16:07:32
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China Environment News reporter An Shiyuan, correspondent Xia Lianqi and Jing Shuyuan from Xining reported that the Qinghai Provincial Finance Department has recently raised and arranged 100 million yuan to support the air pollution prevention and control work in the eastern urban agglomeration focusing on Xining.

At present, there are four main reasons for air pollution in the eastern urban agglomeration of Qinghai Province: first, industrial pollutant emissions. Xining City and Haidong City emit 76419 tons of sulfur dioxide, 51768 tons of nitrogen oxides, and 93023 tons of smoke (powder) dust annually; The second is dust pollution from construction sites and coal storage sites along urban roads and expressways. The dust from urban buildings and roads accounts for 30% of the total air pollution in the eastern urban agglomeration; Third, vehicle exhaust emissions. At present, there are 54600 yellow standard vehicles to be eliminated in Xining and Haidong; Fourth, coal-fired boiler soot pollution emissions. At present, there are 2436 steam tons of boilers in Xining City and Haidong City that need to be "coal to gas".

The funds arranged this time are mainly used for three aspects: first, purchase subsidies for cleaning vehicles and watering vehicles to support urban road cleaning machinery cleaning and road watering cleaning operations, basically meeting the needs of urban road dust control; The second is to support the control of motor vehicle exhaust emissions, which is used to subsidize yellow standard vehicles encouraged to be eliminated by the two cities; Third, it is used to subsidize "coal to gas" for boilers.

It is understood that in order to support the energy conservation and emission reduction of industrial enterprises, the provincial financial budget of Qinghai this year has allocated a total of 1.158 billion yuan of special funds for environmental protection, the elimination of backward production capacity, energy conservation and consumption reduction, the development of circular economy, pollution discharge fees and other special funds. In order to reasonably distinguish the responsibilities of the government and the market, and gradually establish a long-term mechanism for air pollution prevention, the provincial finance proposed that supporting the air pollution prevention work should follow the four principles of "clear responsibilities, division of labor, division of powers, hierarchical burden, overall arrangement, clear priorities, strict standards, and gradually in place".

Source: website of Ministry of Environmental Protection

Editor: Min Meiying

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