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Ningbo: Go to the masses and connect with each other

Source: Guangming Daily Editor: Min Meiying 2013-10-12 15:09:23
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Recently, Typhoon "Fiat" wreaked havoc in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province. In the face of the once-in-a-century torrential rain and flood, the people of Ningbo are fully committed to the fight against floods and disaster relief. Leading cadres at all levels of Ningbo can be seen fighting against the wind and rain on the front lines of embankments, dangerous beaches, hospitals and residential buildings.

Many victims told reporters that the city leaders rushed in front of the rescue and relief team and fought with everyone day and night. The people's evaluation truly reflects the achievements made by Ningbo in the Party's mass line education practice. Liu Qi, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee and secretary of the CPC Ningbo Municipal Committee, said with deep feeling, "The starting point and end result of all our work are for the fundamental interests of the people. We cadres at all levels should go to the people more closely, so that we can always go with feelings, take problems with the times, and make it a habit and normal to keep close contact with the people."

Put yourself in it and find out the problems

It needs to be hard to forge iron. As the leading core of the city's various work, the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee has made the commitment of "six leading and six driving", insisting on putting itself in and finding out problems. Lu Ziyue, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Ningbo Municipal Committee and Acting Mayor, said, "We must carefully listen to the opinions and suggestions we have solicited, combine the educational practice activities with the work being vigorously promoted in the city, and test the effectiveness of educational practice activities with actual work results."

Each member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee went to their respective grass-roots contact points to carry out a close knit research. It took two to three days to eat and live at the grass-roots level, go into farmers' homes to listen to the voices of the people, hold a forum for grass-roots representatives, and listen to the opinions and suggestions of the masses from a distance. The opinions and suggestions that make people blush and sweat, such as "the style of study is not correct, the knowledge and practice are not consistent", "the literature comes and goes, the literature meets the sea", "the stability is difficult, and they dare not take responsibility", are all recorded for the comparison and inspection of the majority of party members and cadres.

The Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, in order to ensure the effectiveness of the activities, does not go through the motions, scientifically formulates plans and conscientiously organizes the implementation. Yang Liping, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Ningbo Municipal Committee and head of the Organization Department, said: "After Party members and cadres really put themselves into the investigation, there will be a kind of relaxation after sweating and detoxification, and a kind of sobriety and firmness after open heart, calm and deep thinking."

In order to let the masses express their opinions and suggestions to the leading cadres in person, Ningbo actively innovates the methods and forms of putting forward opinions, such as asking everyone to "tell an unpleasant experience". According to statistics, all units in the city have solicited more than 23000 opinions and suggestions from all sides.

Aim at the target of "Four Winds"

Ningbo has been aiming at the target of "four styles" from the very beginning, requiring the majority of party members and cadres to touch on the problem of soul searching, so as to lay the foundation for organizing and holding high-quality thematic democratic life meetings.

The Standing Committee of the Municipal Committee of the CPC insisted on setting up the theory and the practice, checking and reforming at the same time, so that the masses could see new changes from the very beginning. After a preliminary comparative inspection, the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee proposed that the priority should be given to the rectification in four aspects, namely, the rectification of Wenshan Huihai, the strict "three official" funds, the elimination of high consumption activities, and the solution of problems, and formulated and issued the opinions on promoting the reform of the administrative examination and approval system, the construction of the new material science and technology city, and the comprehensive reform of opening to the outside world. In order to grasp the people's situation, Liu Qi has made four unannounced visits to towns and villages, food markets, schools and hospitals, without preset routes or greeting in advance; Lu Ziyue went deep into enterprises and communities to investigate, coordinate and solve the difficulties and problems in the development of enterprises, and integrate with community people.

"We should not 'wet the land after the rain', but 'a gust of wind'"; "Hope to improve work efficiency, don't prevaricate"... All the words from the bottom of the heart come from the grassroots, so that the objectives of activities are clearer, the direction is more accurate, and the problem solving is more targeted.

Establish regulations and systems to inherit the mass line

In the educational practice activities, Ningbo highlighted the supervision and guidance to ensure that the activities did not go through the motions. The establishment of a supervision office in the leading group of the municipal party committee's educational practice activities is a characteristic practice of Ningbo City in strengthening supervision and guidance of educational practice activities. Through regular special supervision, the work of benefiting the people such as "breaking through the dead end" and "eliminating coal-fired boilers" determined at the beginning of the year has been implemented, so that party members and cadres always maintain the spirit of striving for excellence.

In the event, Ningbo strongly advocated the style of "taking responsibility, overcoming difficulties, and innovating", removed the benefit barrier of "drawing on the ground", and promoted reforms in key areas such as administrative approval, private investment, resource allocation, regional coordination, public service, and social management, striving to make new achievements in breaking through a number of key institutional barriers. Not long ago, the project of Ningbo Aikedi Auto Parts Co., Ltd. with an annual output of 4 million auto steering system parts was reported for construction. From delisting the land to obtaining the construction permit, the approval was completed in 17 working days.

For the educational practice activities, many people are most worried about "the activities will be the same after a while". In this educational practice activity, Ningbo will establish 26 operable and sustainable systems to inherit the "family heirloom" of the mass line.

Source: Guangming Daily

Editor: Min Meiying

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