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Panzhihua, Sichuan: "Four in place" to ensure the recruitment of civil servants from the front line

Source: Website of Civil Service Bureau Author: Pan Zuxuan Editor: Min Meiying 2013-10-08 17:00:19
Moment News
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Panzhihua News (Correspondent Pan Zuxuan) In recent years, Panzhihua City has taken the measures of "implementing the recruitment plan in place, finding out the personnel situation in place, launching publicity in place, and providing services in place" to improve and perfect the mechanism of selecting civil servants from the grass-roots front lines and face excellent villages (communities) cadre The targeted recruitment of 68 civil servants by and for grassroots project personnel is widely recognized by the majority of grassroots project personnel.

The use of targeted public recruitment and general public recruitment plans in the city as a whole clearly stipulates that: township authorities Civil service position Vacancies, in principle, should be used for targeted recruitment of outstanding village (community) cadres and service grassroots project personnel, guide municipal, county and district authorities to allocate a certain proportion of positions for targeted recruitment in a planned way, and ensure that 15% of the city's civil service recruitment plan is used for targeted recruitment every year.

Before the announcement of recruitment is released every year, the qualified excellent village (community) cadres and service grassroots project personnel who have passed the assessment after service expiration should be investigated thoroughly, and the recruitment plan and scheme should be formulated with a clear aim. By means of media announcement, mobilization by competent departments, and launching one by one by township and village communities, publicity and mobilization will be carried out extensively and thoroughly to ensure that qualified Enter oneself for an examination Personnel know and participate in the targeted recruitment work.

For applicants, especially excellent village (community) cadres who have difficulty or unconditional access to the Internet, special personnel shall be assigned to guide them and provide access and registration services. During qualification review, interview and physical examination, relevant matters and precautions shall be announced in advance, so that examinee Feel that the service is humanistic.

Source: Website of Civil Service Bureau

Author: Pan Zuxuan

Editor: Min Meiying

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