Live review: online guidance meeting of the 14th Dongguan Oral English Competition

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The live broadcast will start at 19:30:00 on January 22, 2024


Know Dongguan


There are only 2 weeks left before the 14th Dongguan Oral English Contest is signed up and the preliminary contest is over! In the past month, the organizing committee has received many calls and messages from contestants, parents and teachers every day. In order to better serve everyone, the organizing committee will hold the first online guidance meeting at 19:30 tonight (January 22)! Do you have any questions about the competition schedule, preliminary evaluation, and semi-final standards? Make an appointment to watch the live broadcast and interact with guests to answer questions!

Editor in charge: Zheng Sihui Reviewed by: Zheng Sihui Final Reviewed by: Chen Fang

Know Dongguan

Editor in charge: Zheng Sihui Reviewed by: Zheng Sihui Final Reviewed by: Chen Fang



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