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Shanghai Yuying High and Low Temperature Integrated Machine High temperature Cooling Refrigeration Precooling Cycle Unit playback

Live time: 2022-06-24 10:00:00 seventeen thousand four hundred and ninety-one
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High and low temperature all-in-one machine The circulating device that can provide cold and heat sources has a wide working range, and is used in pharmaceutical, chemical, biological and other industries to respond Kettles and tanks provide heat and cold sources, and can also be used for heating and cooling other equipment.

● There are three systems: refrigeration system, heating system and precooling system. The three systems can be used continuously or separately.

● Fast heating and cooling, continuous temperature rise and fall.

● Wide temperature control range, no need to replace the heat conduction medium in the whole process, and less heat conduction medium consumption.

● Totally enclosed circulation system, heat conduction fluid is not easy to volatilize and oxidize at high temperature, and it is not easy to inhale moisture in the air at low temperature, which can extend the service life of heat conduction fluid.

● High temperature cooling and refrigeration function, which can directly reduce the temperature from high temperature (such as 200 ℃).

● The refrigeration heat exchanger adopts full brazing plate heat exchanger, which occupies small space and has high heat exchange efficiency.

● The liquid level display function can monitor the liquid level at any time to avoid liquid shortage.

● High temperature cut-off, emergency stop, time delay, leakage, overcurrent, overheating and other multiple protection functions are fully used for safety.

● Air cooling is adopted for condensation and precooling to save water resources.

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