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 CDE released the Technical Guidelines for the Application of Decentralized Clinical Trials in the Clinical Research and Development of Drugs for Rare Diseases

CDE released the Technical Guidelines for the Application of Decentralized Clinical Trials in the Clinical Research and Development of Drugs for Rare Diseases

On May 30, the website of the Drug Examination Center of the State Food and Drug Administration released the Notice on Releasing the Technical Guidelines for the Application of Decentralized Clinical Trials in the Clinical Research and Development of Drugs for Rare Diseases. [Details]

2024/5/31 13:55:38 six thousand and eighty-four
 The Administrative Measures for the Registration of Scientific and Technological Achievements in Traditional Chinese Medicine (Revised) was released

The Administrative Measures for the Registration of Scientific and Technological Achievements in Traditional Chinese Medicine (Revised) was released

Recently, the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine issued the Administrative Measures for the Registration of Scientific and Technological Achievements in Traditional Chinese Medicine (Revised) (hereinafter referred to as the Administrative Measures). The Administrative Measures shall be implemented as of the date of promulgation, and the Measures for Registration of Scientific and Technological Achievements of Traditional Chinese Medicine issued in 2013 shall be repealed at the same time. [Details]

2024/5/31 10:23:08 eight thousand six hundred and nineteen
 Heavyweight! In the future, eligible village clinics are expected to be included in the medical insurance fixed-point

Heavyweight! In the future, eligible village clinics are expected to be included in the medical insurance fixed-point

Recently, the National Health Insurance Bureau issued the Notice on Further Promoting the Experience of Sanming Medical Reform and Continuously Promoting the Innovative Development of Medical Insurance, which clearly defined the need to implement the institutional achievements of Sanming Medical Reform.

2024/5/29 10:57:25 eighteen thousand four hundred and twenty
 1615 centralized purchase regulations will be implemented in July, covering insulin, shortage drugs and other varieties!

1615 centralized purchase regulations will be implemented in July, covering insulin, shortage drugs and other varieties!

Recently, the Medical Insurance Bureau of Henan Province issued two notices on the implementation of the results of centralized procurement. There were 10 centralized procurement projects, a total of 1615 product specifications, covering insulin, drugs in short supply, interferon, high-volume infusion and other varieties, which will be implemented from July 1, 2024. [Details]

2024/5/29 10:40:24 twenty thousand six hundred and thirty-four
 14 ministries and commissions including the National Health Commission joined hands to correct the unhealthy tendencies in the field of medicine purchase and marketing and medical services

14 ministries and commissions including the National Health Commission joined hands to correct the unhealthy tendencies in the field of medicine purchase and marketing and medical services

In order to effectively correct the unhealthy tendencies in the field of medicine purchase and sale and medical services in 2024, 14 ministries and commissions including the National Health Commission recently jointly formulated and issued the Notice on Printing and Distributing the Key Points for Correcting the Unfair in the Field of Medicine Purchase and Sale and Medical Services in 2024. [Details]

2024/5/28 11:13:46 twenty-one thousand five hundred and thirty-two
 The State Food and Drug Administration issued the catalogue of reference preparations of generic drugs (the 80th batch)

The State Food and Drug Administration issued the catalogue of reference preparations of generic drugs (the 80th batch)

On May 23, the State Food and Drug Administration issued the Circular on the Catalogue of Reference Preparations of Generic Drugs (the 80th batch) (No. 19 in 2024). The full text is as follows. [Details]

2024/5/24 17:33:04 eleven thousand eight hundred and five
 Anhui issued 26 specific measures to continuously optimize the business environment and promote high-quality development of medicine

Anhui issued 26 specific measures to continuously optimize the business environment and promote high-quality development of medicine

On May 23, Anhui Province issued Several Measures for Continuously Optimizing Business Environment to Promote High Quality Development of Pharmaceutical Industry (2024) (hereinafter referred to as Several Measures), which covers 26 specific measures. [Details]

2024/5/24 11:41:18 twenty-five thousand two hundred and fifty-six
 Beijing Releases Action Plan, Striving to Achieve a Total Scale of 1.25 trillion yuan in the Medical and Health Industry by 2026

Beijing Releases Action Plan, Striving to Achieve a Total Scale of 1.25 trillion yuan in the Medical and Health Industry by 2026

In order to accelerate the development of new quality productivity and promote the development of the pharmaceutical and health industry at a higher quality and level, on May 23, Beijing released the Action Plan of Beijing to Accelerate Collaborative Innovation in Pharmaceutical and Health (2024-2026) (hereinafter referred to as the Action Plan). [Details]

2024/5/24 10:33:48 twenty-seven thousand five hundred and eighty-five
 Another province has included assisted reproduction projects in medical insurance, and the reimbursement rate has reached 50%!

Another province has included assisted reproduction projects in medical insurance, and the reimbursement rate has reached 50%!

Recently, Qinghai Province announced that nine assisted reproduction projects, including egg retrieval, embryo culture, and embryo transfer, were included in the scope of medical insurance reimbursement, and employees and urban and rural residents were reimbursed at a rate of 50%, which will greatly reduce the burden of related reproductive medical expenses on insured people. [Details]

2024/5/24 9:07:37 twenty-six thousand one hundred and seventy-two
 The new requirements of centralized procurement of medicine will expand the scope of the alliance!

The new requirements of centralized procurement of medicine will expand the scope of the alliance!

On May 20, the State Medical Insurance Bureau issued the Notice on Strengthening Regional Cooperation to Improve the Quality and Expand the Scope of Centralized Pharmaceutical Procurement in 2024, setting new requirements for this year's centralized pharmaceutical procurement.

2024/5/21 10:17:37 thirty-one thousand nine hundred and fourteen
one two three four five 1052 records in 100 pages

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