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Zhang Yupei of Xiangyi Technology: accelerate the transformation of innovative achievements and realize the domestic substitution of medicinal rubber stoppers

——Interview with Zhang Yupei, Deputy General Manager of Xiangyi Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd

May 21, 2024 15:34:20 Source: Pharmaceutical Network Editor: Yao Jijun Hits: 46089

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  【 Interview with Pharmaceutical Network 】API China, sponsored by Reed Sinopharm, will be held from May 15 to 17, 2024 API / intermediate /Packaging/Equipment Fair), PHARMCHINA (National Drug Fair) and NHNE (China International Health and Nutrition Expo) were held in the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai). The "three exhibitions" of this exhibition were jointly held, welcoming nearly 4000 domestic and foreign enterprises. Among them, Hebei Xiangyi Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd., as an important pharmaceutical rubber stopper manufacturer in China, was also present. What products will Xiangyi Technology bring to this exhibition? What technological breakthroughs has the company achieved in recent years? During the exhibition, interviewed Zhang Yupei, Vice General Manager of Xiangyi Technology, on a series of issues.
Zhang Yupei (left), Deputy General Manager of Xiangyi Technology, was interviewed by
Click to watch the exclusive interview video
   Go through three stages of development
Xiangyi Technology has been specialized in manufacturing pharmaceutical rubber stoppers for more than 70 years. It is a representative enterprise in the pharmaceutical rubber stoppers industry in China. In the interview, President Zhang summarized the company's achievements along the way with three keywords: "responsibility", "innovation" and "pioneer".
Xiangyi Technology Team
He pointed out that from the 1950s to 1978, the period of reform and opening up was summed up by a key word: "responsibility". "Xiangyi moved from Shenyang to Shijiazhuang in 1965. At that time, Xiangyi was one of the major manufacturers of antibiotic rubber stoppers in China, undertaking two-thirds of the rubber stoppers in China, so we call it" responsibility "."
From the reform and opening up in 1978 to the enterprise restructuring in 2006, if we want to use a keyword to summarize the company's development, it is "innovation". President Zhang said, "After the reform and opening up, Xiangyi developed butyl rubber stoppers earlier in China and passed the ministerial appraisal in 1983, becoming the first manufacturer of butyl rubber stoppers in China. Then it developed a series of rubber stoppers matching medicine and medicine, such as freeze-dried rubber stoppers, PP rubber stoppers, blood sampling rubber stoppers, and innovation became the theme of this period."
From 2006 to now, we can sum up with one key word, that is, "pioneers". President Zhang said that after being restructured as a private enterprise in 2006, the enterprise has burst into unprecedented vitality. The product quality has been significantly improved, and the variety of new products has increased significantly. The rubber plug products have been sold all over the country, becoming a real rubber plug "pioneer" enterprise in China.
Customers participate in Xiangyi Technology Booth
   Accelerate the transformation of innovative achievements and realize domestic substitution of multiple products
Technological innovation is the "source power" of enterprise development. In the development of Zhongxiangyi Technology, it actively carries out scientific and technological research and accelerates the transformation of innovative achievements. According to President Zhang, Xiangyi Technology has established an advanced rubber stopper technology research and development team since the last century, and has successively successfully developed chlorinated butyl rubber stopper, freeze-dried rubber stopper, brominated antibiotic rubber stopper, isoprene gasket for plastic flexible packaging, ultra pure butyl rubber stopper, etc.
"Whether it is the choice of raw materials, the choice of curing system, the choice of filling and reinforcing system, the design and processing of curing mold, or the design of the entire rubber plug production process, Xiangyi Technology has a group of experienced, professional knowledge of the old, middle-aged and young technology research and development team, which is in the forefront of China. At the same time, the company's decision-making level has always attached importance to product innovation and talent training. "
As a representative enterprise in China's pharmaceutical rubber stoppers industry, Xiangyi Technology has always been on the road of technological transformation and innovation. It is reported that the heparin cap rubber plug and isolation rubber plug recently developed by the company have the performance of puncture resistance and chip fall resistance significantly superior to similar products at home and abroad. Rubber accessories for pre filled syringes and cartridges are also exported in large quantities.
   "Pre filling piston, isolation plug, two-color gasket and other products were mostly products of foreign rubber plug manufacturers in recent years. In recent years, Xiangyi Technology has successively developed pre filling piston, isolation plug, two-color gasket and other products with independent intellectual property rights. The products have good compatibility and excellent sealing performance. They are widely used in biological agents such as insulin and vaccines, successfully replacing imports, and solving the problem of being stuck by foreign countries The neck problem has laid a foundation for ensuring China's pharmaceutical safety and is of great significance. This series of products has begun to be exported in large quantities. " Zhang said.
In this API China, Xiangyi Technology also brought heavy products such as pre filled syringe rubber accessories, cartridge rubber accessories, etc. According to the introduction, these products have high cleanliness, good biological performance, good compatibility with drugs, excellent puncture resistance and chip fall resistance, good sealing with syringe barrel and cartridge, and even sliding force.
The 90th API China Product Exhibition
The 90th API China promoted industrial upgrading through innovation, created new advantages for the development of the pharmaceutical and health nutrition industries, and worked with pharmaceutical industry colleagues to create a new blueprint for high-quality development of medicine. President Zhang said that through this exhibition, Xiangyike's skills can better promote the company's new look and new products to the vast number of pharmaceutical enterprises, meet old friends, make new friends, understand the cutting-edge technology and needs of domestic and foreign drug packaging, and better provide services for domestic and foreign pharmaceutical enterprises.

The 90th API China on-site customer exchange
   After the completion of the "Pharmaceutical Packaging New Material Industrial Park" project, the annual output of pharmaceutical rubber stoppers is expected to reach more than 30 billion
Focusing on the direction of industrial development, Xiangyi Technology has effectively connected with new market demands. In the process of development, Xiangyi Technology is still improving its production capacity. Among them, "Pharmaceutical Packaging New Material Industrial Park" is an important project for the future development of the company. According to President Zhang, the project, with a total investment of 1.16 billion yuan and a total area of 255 mu, is a provincial and municipal key construction project. After completion, it will produce more than 30 billion pharmaceutical rubber plugs annually, and will become a production base for pharmaceutical packaging materials with high automation, digitalization and intelligence levels in the industry. After completion, it can realize an annual main business income of 2.1 billion yuan, profits and taxes of 480 million yuan, and more than 1200 new jobs.
The project is constructed in two phases. The first phase is mainly for medical plastic workshop and equipment room, with a planned investment of 230 million yuan. It has been completed by the end of December 2022. The main products are plastic composite covers, aluminum plastic covers, and blood sampler (PET) tubes. After reaching the capacity, the annual sales will be 600 million yuan, profits and taxes will be 130 million yuan, and more than 200 local jobs will be driven. The second phase project mainly includes rubber stoppers workshop, research and development center, office building and dormitory building. The planned investment is 930 million yuan. The main products are medical rubber stoppers. After the completion of the second phase project, the annual output of medical rubber stoppers will be 30 billion, the annual sales will be 1.5 billion yuan, the profits and taxes will be 350 million yuan, and more than 1000 local jobs will be driven.
It is reported that as the vice president unit of China Pharmaceutical Packaging Association and the pharmaceutical rubber stopper training base, Xiangyi Technology also actively fulfills its social responsibilities. President Zhang said that in order to promote the technological progress of the industry and improve the scientific research and technology level of pharmaceutical preparation enterprises, China Pharmaceutical Packaging Association has established a pharmaceutical rubber stopper training base in Hebei Xiangyi Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd. "The rubber stopper knowledge training is a long-term work. With the continuous progress of the pharmaceutical industry, the rubber stopper training base of China Pharmaceutical Packaging Association takes the opportunity of training to discuss and study some common rubber stopper packaging topics, such as inviting domestic and foreign scholars to communicate with students on the frontier science of pharmaceutical rubber stopper packaging, so as to improve the domestic rubber stopper research and development ability and technical level."
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