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The 12th Biofermentation Exhibition (Jinan) was successfully concluded, and we will meet again in Shanghai in August 2024!

16:56:36, March 7, 2024 Source: Pharmaceutical Network Editor: Ah Duo Hits: 62250

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  【 Pharmaceutical website exhibition report On March 7, 2024, the 2024 12th International Bio fermentation Products and Technical Equipment Exhibition (Jinan Exhibition), which lasted for three days, was successfully concluded in Shandong International Convention and Exhibition Center. BIOCHINA Bio fermentation Exhibition is a super large-scale bio fermentation industry exhibition platform in Asia, aiming to promote the deep integration of upstream and downstream bio fermentation industry chains, and build a trade exchange platform with industry influence with the goal of innovation driven, transformation and upgrading, and high-quality development.

The 12th Biofermentation Exhibition (Jinan) was successfully concluded
   Review of exhibition data, many indicators are eye-catching
This exhibition focuses on the display of new products, new technologies, new formats, new models and new services in industries such as biological fermentation, biotechnology, biomedicine, biopharmaceuticals, bioengineering, cell engineering, genetic engineering, biological food, biochemical industry, biological feed, etc., providing innovation and cooperation resources for upstream and downstream enterprises in the biological fermentation industry, and gaining popularity at the scene, The response was enthusiastic.
After more than 10 years of development and resource accumulation, BIOCHINA Bio fermentation Exhibition has become an industry event in the field of bio fermentation industry. The exhibition area of this exhibition is 30000 square meters, with more than 500 exhibitors. It not only brings together many domestic enterprises, such as Huaxi Biology, Bion Biology, Dongfulong, Shanghai Yuan'an, Zhejiang Miller, but also has many Frexi, Delanmeier With the appearance of GEA and other overseas brands, the exhibition continued to be pushed to a climax, with more than 26000 professional visitors in three days.
At the same time, 35 high-quality concurrent forums and activities were held during the exhibition, and more than 400 representatives from many industries, research institutes, enterprises and other representatives attended the meeting. Behind the above data, it shows the vigorous development trend of the exhibition.




The 12th Biofermentation Exhibition (Jinan) was successfully concluded
   Abundant activities were held in the same period, and people from the industry came to the stage
At the same time, the 2024 Food and Drug Substance Innovation and Empowerment of Chinese style Nourishing and Health Industry Development Exchange Conference, the 2024 Jinan Second International Gene and Biotechnology Conference, the 2024 Energy Conservation, Environmental Protection, Green and Low Carbon Development Forum, the Symposium on the Whole Life Cycle Management of Pharmaceutical Plants from Design and Construction to Verification and Operation, the 2024 Forum on the Innovation and Development of Biochemical Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The 2024 Forum on the Development of New Technologies, Processes and Equipment for Pharmaceutical Wastewater and the 2024 Forum on the Development of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Treatment Technologies in the Pharmaceutical and Chemical Industry are rich in forums and activities.
People from the industry came to the stage together to analyze market hot spots, interpret practical cases, and look forward to industrial trends. The audience actively asked questions and exchanged ideas. The atmosphere was very warm, creating a thought feast for industry exchange and sharing.


The 12th Biofermentation Exhibition (Jinan) was successfully concluded
   The exhibition effect is obvious, and the next exhibition will be there
BIOCHINA Biofermentation Exhibition has developed into Jinan Exhibition in spring in March, Shanghai Exhibition in autumn in August, and two local tour exhibitions. The effect of this exhibition in Jinan is obvious. As a grand event in the industry, BIO CHINA Biofermentation Exhibition looks forward to your cooperation with BIO CHINA to continue to move forward and create brilliance, and is committed to providing customers with better, more professional and more comprehensive one-stop solutions.
   The 13th International Biofermentation Products and Technical Equipment Exhibition (Shanghai Exhibition) in 2024 will be held in Shanghai New International Expo Center from August 7 to 9, 2024, and a number of rich forums and activities will be held at the same time. The sponsor will continue the idea of holding the exhibition in the whole industry chain, dig deep into the industry resources, improve the value of the exhibition, make every effort to build a landmark event of China's biological fermentation industry, and promote the high-quality development of China's biological fermentation industry. See you next time!
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