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The 2024 Biological Fermentation Exhibition (Jinan) was grandly opened! Deliver the message of warm spring

March 5, 2024 16:25:32 Source: Pharmaceutical Network Editor: Ah Duo Hits: 56823

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  【 Pharmaceutical website exhibition report 】Spring River Water Warming Duck Prophet, the exhibition industry continues to recover, transmitting the message of warm spring. On March 5, 2024, the 12th International Bio fermentation Products and Technical Equipment Exhibition (Jinan Exhibition) in 2024 was officially opened in Shandong International Convention and Exhibition Center, and the exhibition lasted for three days. This exhibition attracted 500 domestic and foreign enterprises to participate in the exhibition, with an exhibition area of 30000 square meters. It focuses on new products, new technologies, new formats, new models and new services in industries such as biological fermentation, biotechnology, biomedicine, biopharmaceuticals, bioengineering, cell engineering, genetic engineering, biological food, biochemistry, and biological feed, Provide innovation and cooperation resources for upstream and downstream enterprises in the biological fermentation industry.





On the day of the launch, the scene was crowded, including domestic exhibitors from all over the country, such as Dongfulong, and international exhibitors from abroad, such as Frexi, Delanmel, GEA, etc., gathered to show new products, new technologies, and new programs, attracting visitors to stop and watch.

It is understood that with the continuous progress of biological fermentation technology, China's biological fermentation industry has developed rapidly and the scale of the industry has continued to expand. It has increased from 24.26 million tons in 2015 to 30.647 million tons in 2019. The annual average growth rate of China's biological fermentation product output has reached 5.9%. At the same time, the introduction of relevant policies in recent years, including the "14th Five Year Plan" Bioeconomy Development Plan and the "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the High Quality Development of Light Industry", has put forward new requirements and given new missions to China's bio fermentation industry, and also pointed out a new path and direction for the development of the industry.
It is pointed out in the industry that the high-quality development of China's biological fermentation industry cannot be separated from the help of scientific and technological innovation. In the aspect of industrial chain supply chain, equipment enterprises are required to gradually get rid of import dependence in localization and constantly improve their independent scientific and technological innovation capabilities.
In this exhibition, domestic equipment manufacturers performed well. For example, Suzhou Aitesen Pharmaceutical Equipment Co., Ltd., which appeared in Hall 1, attracted the attention of many visitors. It is an integrated pharmaceutical equipment solution provider focusing on product research, development, production and sales of special complex injections and nucleic acid vaccines/drug preparation. The enterprise vision is to "help China's pharmaceutical industry with better pharmaceutical equipment". Relying on its own technical platform, the company has successively developed microfluidic control equipment, liposome extruder, high-pressure homogenizer, rotary sterilization cabinet, ultrafiltration system and other equipment, and continuously updated them iteratively to provide pharmaceutical industry with industry level pharmaceutical equipment and technical solutions required at different stages from experiment to production.
Dongfulong, the leading domestic pharmaceutical equipment company, appeared in Hall 2. Adhering to the mission of "professional technology serving biomedicine" and the development strategy of "systematization, internationalization, and digital intelligence", Dongfulong has been moving forward continuously. At present, it has become a company that provides process research, core equipment, consumables The comprehensive service provider of the overall solution of system engineering focuses on the research of pharmaceutical manufacturing science and pharmaceutical machinery science manufacturing.
In addition, domestic manufacturers, including Jiangsu Kangshijie Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. and Jinan Deshun Measurement Technology Co., Ltd., also appeared in Hall 2. These enterprises have accumulated a lot in the development of many years, adhere to the guidance of science and technology, and take serving the market as the fundamental goal, and continue to move forward.
During the exhibition, there will also be "2024 Summit Forum on Innovation, Development and Industrial Application of Biofermentation Drug Technology", "2024 Summit Forum on Application and Product Access of New Biofermentation Technology", "2024 9th International Forum on Application and Development of Fermentation Media", "2024 Forum on Innovation and Development of Biochemical Instruments and Laboratory Equipment" High quality contemporaneous forums and activities, such as "2024 Forum on Innovative Development of New Chemical Technology and New Equipment", "2024 Forum on Technological Development of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Governance in Pharmaceutical and Chemical Industry", "2024 Jinan Second International Conference on Genetics and Biotechnology", were held with brilliant contents, attracting many industry professionals, research institutes, enterprise representatives, etc, On site analysis of market hotspots, interpretation of practical cases, and foresight of industrial trends have created an ideological feast for exchange and sharing of innovative technologies in the industry.


BIO CHINA Biofermentation Exhibition, originated from the "Shanghai International Biofermentation Exhibition" founded in Shanghai in 2013, has become an industry event in the field of bio fermentation industry after more than 10 years of development and resource accumulation. It has now developed into a spring exhibition in Jinan in March, an autumn exhibition in Shanghai in August, and a tour exhibition in two cities. Through in-depth discussion with the industry on the reform and development of bio economy, It has received a warm response.

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