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2024 Global Pharmaceutical Supply Chain and Logistics Conference

December 28, 2023 11:32:54 Source: Shanghai Shiyan Management Consulting Co., Ltd Hits: 32907

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  【 Pharmaceutical Network Conference Forum 】The pharmaceutical industry is an important industry related to the national health cause and people's quality of life, and its development cannot be separated from the support of the pharmaceutical supply chain. In recent years, various departments of the country have issued relevant policies and reform measures to standardize and guide the development of the industry. With the introduction of the guidelines to promote the high-quality development of the pharmaceutical circulation industry during the "14th Five Year Plan" period, the pharmaceutical retail industry has entered the "fast lane" of development. In 2022, the market size of China's pharmaceutical circulation industry will approach 2 trillion yuan. In the past five years, the compound annual growth rate will be 6.9%. There is still a relatively good objective growth space for the scale. At present, the society is in the era of "big data". How to establish a data sharing platform and accelerate the circulation of data elements will be the key to promoting the coordinated development and ecological construction of upstream and downstream medicine.
Based on this, the 2024 Global Pharmaceutical Supply Chain and Logistics Conference will be held in Shanghai from March 28 to 29, 2024, with the theme of "data driven industrial coordinated development". It will invite decision-makers from pharmaceutical industry enterprises, pharmaceutical commercial enterprises, off hospital pharmaceutical retail enterprises, pharmaceutical logistics cold chain enterprises, smart supply chain and other related service enterprises from around the world to participate in the conference, Interpretation of the innovative development of pharmaceutical supply chain logistics under the trend of scientific and technological progress, epidemic catalysis and healthy new economy, in-depth discussion of key issues such as policy supervision and market trends of pharmaceutical supply chain, collaborative and integrated development of pharmaceutical supply chain, digital intelligence ecological construction of pharmaceutical supply chain, safety and risk control of pharmaceutical supply chain, and further promotion of industrial partners to work together to build innovation driven A modern drug circulation system that is enabled by science and technology, covers urban and rural areas, has a balanced layout, coordinated development, and is safe and convenient.
   1、 Conference theme: data driven industrial coordinated development
  2、 Time and place of the meeting:
March 28-29, 2024, Shanghai
  3、 Organizing Committee
Sponsors: Shanghai Pharmaceutical Business Association, Shanghai Pharmaceutical Industry Association, Shiyan Life Sciences
Supported by: North Shanghai Biomedical Industry Alliance
  4、 Forum arrangements

March 28th

March 29th


Medical supply chain policy interpretation and digital intelligence transformation

Hand in hand - interconnection of pharmaceutical supply chain industry partners

Ø  Pharmaceutical circulation supervision policy and market trend

Ø  Diversified exploration of innovative drug commercialization of pharmaceutical enterprises: DTP pharmacy

Ø  Current situation and development trend of global pharmaceutical supply chain

Ø  Integrated construction of warehouse and distribution of pharmaceutical e-commerce platform

Ø  Take advantage of digital transformation to upgrade the pharmaceutical supply chain

Ø  Development of special drug insurance under the construction of multi-level security system

Ø  Round table discussion: How do pharmaceutical supply chain partners do well in digital intelligence transformation?

Ø  Round table discussion: Circle strong chain - how to build a closed-loop ecosystem of medicine+medicine+insurance+patients?


Data ecological construction of drug supply chain

Compliance, quality, safety and efficiency

Ø  Breaking through the information island: medical upstream and downstream data collaboration

Ø  The cross-border transportation scheme of biomedicine in the context of pharmaceutical enterprises going to sea

Ø  Pharmaceutical supply chain management innovation and digital innovation

Ø  How can pharmaceutical cold chain logistics ensure drug safety?

Ø  Digital application under the mode of "multi warehouse cooperation"

Ø  GDP Drug Supply Management Norms Ensure the Compliance of Cold Chain Transportation

Ø  Automated data driven supply chain ecological construction

Ø  Discussion on Temperature Control of Pharmaceutical Cold Chain Logistics

Ø  Data ecology construction drives the whole life cycle management of drugs

Ø  Round table discussion: how to help the construction of pharmaceutical cold chain logistics network?

   5、 Participants
By enterprise: global pharmaceutical enterprises/domestic pharmaceutical enterprises/pharmaceutical distribution and wholesale enterprises/pharmaceutical retail chains/pharmaceutical e-commerce/data and digital information technology suppliers/pharmaceutical logistics service providers/third-party logistics, warehousing, cold chain, temperature control companies/logistics industrial parks and real estate equipment, finance consulting service merchant
By function: Chairman/General Manager/President/CEO/Chief Global Supply Chain Officer (CSCO)/Supply Chain, Logistics, Procurement Department/Government Affairs&Market Access Department/CTO/CIO/CDO
6、 Meeting highlights
01 Profession and quality
Focusing on pharmaceutical industry conferences for more than ten years, it has brand power and influence. Precise touch, high-quality service, pre conference, mid conference and post conference, and multi aspect enjoyment.
02 Experts, private experience
Industry leaders gather, leading enterprises participate, dynamic prophets, and private information sharing.
03 Decoding frontier, focusing on new machines
Four major theme sections, in-depth interpretation, closely follow the industry technology frontier.
04 High level docking and in-depth communication
Face to face with senior management, in-depth discussion, direct to the scheme, and quickly promote business cooperation.
05 Various forms and promotion
Keynote speech/summit dialogue/enterprise roadshow/exhibition area interaction and other forms of participation, provide in-depth insight into the development trend and strategic deployment, provide an exchange and cooperation platform, and achieve win-win cooperation with industry partners. A number of media reported before and after the conference in a one-stop manner to comprehensively improve brand exposure.
7、 Form of participation
Ordinary participation, booth sponsorship, round table sponsorship, speech sponsorship, dinner sponsorship, tea break sponsorship, data bag sponsorship, badge rope sponsorship, gift sponsorship, video sponsorship, etc
VIII contacts (See the download of relevant materials below)
Jennifer DU
Organizing Committee of 2024 Global Pharmaceutical Supply Chain and Logistics Conference
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