VPS Tutorial « Zhaorong Tribe

Free application for Google Cloud Google Cloud $300 and opening of Taiwan/Hong Kong virtual machine

 Free application for Google Cloud Google Cloud $300 and opening of Taiwan/Hong Kong virtual machine
Issued on: April 26, 2019 | Click: 10593 times | Comments: eight

Recently, many friends applied for a $300 trial payment for Google Cloud. Zhao Rong had tried it before, but he didn't share it after checking the next blog. Because credit cards are necessary, it seems impossible to use virtual cards now. However, the trial payment can be used to open virtual machines in many regions, including Hong Kong and Taiwan, and the application is relatively simple, so you can share it for reference, The probation fee applied for is valid for one year, and Google said that even if the bonus is used up, unless the user agrees to confirm

What should I do if I forget the port on the pagoda panel

 What should I do if I forget the port on the pagoda panel
Issued on: April 24, 2019 | Click: 2919 times | No comment

Two days ago, the tribe recorded how to forget the password on the pagoda panel (reviewed above). Today, let's take a look at how to forget the port? It's actually easier than resetting your password! First ssh in to our server (or VPS host), and you can do it with one command: cat /www/server/panel/data/port.pl The command "Enter" will display the port of the current pagoda panel. After you see the port, log in under the test

Solution to Forgot Password of Pagoda Panel (Bt)

 Solution to Forgot Password of Pagoda Panel (Bt)
Issued on: April 19, 2019 | Click: 3267 times | No comment

A few days ago, I installed a pagoda panel to test something, but I forgot my login password, so I searched it and recorded it in order to check it next time I encounter this problem. Since the login address (random security code behind the port), user name and password are randomly generated after the installation of the pagoda panel, it is hard to remember them if they are not recorded, so it may be necessary to use the reset password function. Forgetting the password can be divided into two situations: 1. No modification

How to close MySQL log binlog

 How to close MySQL log binlog
Issued on: April 12, 2019 | Click: 3080 times | Comments: nine

I suddenly encountered a problem that MySQL could not be started, so I wrote it down. I believe that the friend who saw the title has guessed the reason why MySQL could not be started. The server is a Linux system LNMP environment. Suddenly, there is no access failure. The machine runs normally and can ssh login normally. So I immediately logged in and tried to restart LNMP. I found that the MySQL database could not be stopped (always.....). After stopping, it started for a few seconds and died again! Through various checks, I found that the hard disk space made

Quick Modify Default 3389 Port in Windows System

 Quick Modify Default 3389 Port in Windows System
Issued on: April 11, 2019 | Click: 2205 times | No comment

The VPS Zhao Rong mainly uses is basically a Linux system, which is especially suitable for such white people as us. Anyway, the copy+paste command will solve o (*  ̄)  ̄ *) o But many friends often refute me. Isn't Windows more intuitive? In 2015, I once wrote an article on modifying the default 3389 port in the Windows 2008 system (reviewed above). It was a step by step modification of the registry. It is relatively troublesome. I usually prefer to use the tool one click

Remove the window from the WordPress header_ WpemojiSettings code

 Remove the window from the WordPress header_ WpemojiSettings code
Issued on: April 11, 2019 | Click: 2098 times | No comment

Recently, we upgraded the WordPress version of the Tribe. Lazy cancer patients and technology illiterate people have been using WordPress 3.9 before. After upgrading to the latest WordPress, we found a long string of messy code in the head when we checked the source code of the web page. It seems that it is like facial expression loading, which is useless to me and looks uncomfortable, So take it out. The picture is too small. Sorry... anti

A simple IP segment calculation Web page and system batch binding IP mode

 A simple IP segment calculation Web page and system batch binding IP mode
Issued on: October 9, 2018 | Click: 4041 times | Comments: four

I believe that many friends who come to the tribe, like Zhao Rong, are not professional about the network, and rely on Baidu when encountering problems... They have only a half understanding of the calculation of IP and network segments, especially novice friends. When I first contacted VPS, I once made/29 jokes that I thought it was 29 IPs. Here is a page for calculating IP provided by my common QN machine room, It is suitable for Xiaobai friends to check occasionally. IP calculator address: https://se...

Test of Vultr Self installing Windows System (2003/2008)

 Test of Vultr Self installing Windows System (2003/2008)
Issued on: August 25, 2018 | Click: 15433 times | Comments: fifteen

Vultr is a foreign VPS host company that we are familiar with. In addition to hourly billing, which can be deleted at any time, more than a dozen data centers around the world, and Alipay support for convenient payment, it is also an advantage to be able to install Windows system by itself. Today, I will start from the earliest installation of uploading ISO, and test the current situation of installing windows 2003 and 2008 one by one, Give you a reference. Install wind by uploading ISO

Several Writing Methods of HTTP Force Jump to HTTPS under LNMP

 Several Writing Methods of HTTP Force Jump to HTTPS under LNMP
Issued on: July 12, 2018 | Click: 6607 times | Comments: four

Now more and more websites have enabled https access, SSL certificates are also inexpensive. Some free ones, such as Let's Encrypt or Tencent, also provide one-year free certificates. In addition, https has better security. Some people even say that search engines will prefer https websites in the future... Today I will record several ways to force HTTP to jump to HTTPS, so that I can use it when I want to add SSL. We need

Installing the web test page on VPS: LookingGlass

 Installing the web test page on VPS: LookingGlass
Issued on: July 7, 2018 | Click: 4129 times | Comments: two

In the process of purchasing VPS, we often see that the merchant has provided a LookingGlass (LG for short) address. You can directly view the test IP, data center location, download files, etc. on the page. How is this installed? Today, let's take a look at his manual installation process. However, what I wrote above is that this tool is meaningless for VPS users. It is mainly used by businesses to provide test pages. For users, the probe party can install B ...
