VPS Tutorial « Zhaorong Tribe

Lnmp pseudo static default directory pseudo static

 Lnmp pseudo static default directory pseudo static
Issued on: May 22, 2011 | Click: 17568 times | Comments: nine

Junge's LNMP one click installation package has always been my preferred installation environment for small memory VPS, because it takes less resources and has high performance. The newly released lnmp0.7 also adds support for LNMPA. LNMPA uses Nginx as a front-end service to enable faster and more timely static pages, js, images, etc. When a client requests to access a dynamic page, Nginx's reverse proxy will be sent to Apache for processing, and Apache will send it back to Nginx after processing

Introduction to Common Commands for Linux VPS Novice

 Introduction to Common Commands for Linux VPS Novice
Issued on: May 22, 2011 | Click: 16331 times | Comments: five

Many friends who have just come into contact with the Linux VPS are still unfamiliar with Linux. In fact, after we get the Linux VPS, we can install the environment or the panel. There are many scripts and tutorials written by people who can basically follow them. However, in order to be more convenient and fast in the use process, we must remember a few simple commands. Zhao Rong will record several commands for novices like me. Old bird, please float past prawns~ 【cd】 ...

VPS simple performance test command

 VPS simple performance test command
Issued on: May 16, 2011 | Click: 38536 times | Comments: twenty

Many students, like Zhao Rong, bought some VPS blindly, but they did not test the performance of VPS. So today I will send out some simple VPS performance test (or view) commands for everyone to refer to (for beginners, please don't laugh at old birds) 1.top The Top command displays the actual CPU usage. By default, it displays the CPU consuming task information on the server and refreshes every 5 seconds. You can pass

DirectAdmin Upgrade PHP5.3.6

 DirectAdmin Upgrade PHP 5.3.6
Issued on: May 9, 2011 | Click: 14588 times | Comments: sixteen

I heard from some friends that the next version of wordpress 3.2 requires a minimum PHP version of 5.2.4. However, my DA panel automatically installs the PHP version of 5.2.17, which is the most stable at present. Because the space is available for me and my friends, most of them use it as a personal blog, and most of them use wordpress, so, I have been looking for information about DA upgrading PHP version these days. I found some online

An Effective Method of 301 Redirection in LNMP Environment

 An Effective Method of 301 Redirection in LNMP Environment
Issued on: May 9, 2011 | Click: 10196 times | Comments: two

I bought the VPS of W2 a few days ago, so I installed the LNMP environment and didn't put anything on it because I was still looking for someone to solve some problems. I had nothing to do today, so I put a picture of a beautiful woman on it temporarily. After putting it on it, I found that I passed/ The domain name of the virtual host created by vhost.sh is set to www.01mm.net. When you open 01mm.net without www, it turns out to be the page of the LNMP home directory. How to make 01mm.net automatically turn

Lnmp Add FTP

 Lnmp Add FTP
Issued on: May 6, 2011 | Click: 16260 times | Comments: seven

In fact, for lnmp, it is completely possible to use SFTP instead of FTP. But Zhao Rong always thinks that although SFTP is safe for transmission, its speed is really not flattering. Anyway, I feel that it is much slower than FTP (I mean on the same VPS), so I also set up an FTP to transfer files. First of all, of course, SSH has arrived at our VPS. (Note: FTP can be created immediately after the lnmp one click installation package is completed~) Here, I install

Lighttpd enable rewrite pseudo static method

 Lighttpd enable rewrite pseudo static method
Issued on: April 20, 2011 | Click: 14832 times | Comments: seven

Recently, we have been recommending cheap VPS. As you know, cheap VPS usually only has 128MB or 256MB of memory. Especially after installing the free KLOXO panel, we usually choose to switch Apache to lighttpd to save memory. However, the following problem arises: lighttpd does not support. htaccess. How do we configure rewrite pseudo static? Go to Google

Small memory VPS installation KLOXO simple optimization

 Small memory VPS installation KLOXO simple optimization
Issued on: April 19, 2011 | Click: 24463 times | Comments: thirteen

I think many friends, like me, cannot resist the temptation of low prices and start VPS with small memory. However, the side effect of low price is low speed, which is inevitable (if you have a choice of low price and high quality, you can share~). Today I will talk about the simple optimization of small memory VPS. Of course, the premise of the discussion is that you install the KLOXO panel. If you choose the LNMP installation package, you don't need to look down. [Optimization 1] MySQL optimization

Linux VPS fast backup to godaddy free space

 Linux VPS fast backup to godaddy free space
Issued on: April 12, 2011 | Click: 10646 times | Comments: three

These two days are very depressing. Because the space speed is getting slower and slower, I asked H9 to change an IP address, but I couldn't get into the background. I can't help it. Just a few days ago, I bought a VPS of 123system for 15 dollars and a year, and I put my blog on temporarily. I have been tossing and turning. I think data is really important. It's also a tedious job to download FTP to the local place slowly every day. Now, with VPS, we can find a way to quickly package site data under Google

Kloxo Installation Tutorial (2010 Edition)

 Kloxo Installation Tutorial (2010 Edition)
Issued on: November 23, 2010 | Click: 27556 times | Comments: twenty-two

The day before yesterday, I bought a Linux VPS and installed LNMP. I thought it was really troublesome and not suitable for a rookie like me. Hey hey, what should I do? Of course, there is a simpler management panel, namely Kloxo. Kloxo, Originally called Lxadmin, it was later upgraded and renamed kloxo. It is an open source lightweight VPS control panel. Open source, high efficiency and free are its absolute advantages. Use Kloxo to manage the
