[Transfer] DirectAdmin automatically issues Let's Encrypt free certificate, which can also be automatically updated

 [Transfer] DirectAdmin automatically issues Let's Encrypt free certificate, which can also be automatically updated
Issued on: January 8, 2016 | Click: 4501 times | Comments: three

This article is a reprint of the tutorial. It was intended to be tested, but some things have been delayed in recent days, but a large number of netizens have verified it. DirectAdmin is often referred to as DA, as follows. It goes without saying that DirectAdmin is used by many people, and many host companies choose DA because the price is more affordable than cPanel. From today on, you can tell your users that you can issue certificates for free with my DA host

Install Postfix under LNMP

 Install Postfix under LNMP
Issued on: December 25, 2015 | Click: 4330 times | Comments: three

The LNMP one button package is the most commonly used environment configuration mode for me, which is used by more people, and it is easier for Baidu to encounter problems. The default LNMP installation is the sendmail component, but sendmail sending is really slow, especially in the domestic VPS installation. Alibaba Tencent Jing'an has tried to be really slow and slow (I don't know why...), so it is recommended to install Postfix, which is much faster than sendmail. ...

Master slave synchronization of MySQL database under Linux (LNMP)

 Master slave synchronization of MySQL database under Linux (LNMP)
Issued on: December 24, 2015 | Click: 4645 times | Comments: eight

This article is mainly a record. It is a process of referring to many technical articles on the network. I seem to have encountered some problems in my own use, but I decided to review this process in order to avoid forgetting in the future. This article is operated in the environment where two American VPS have installed the military brother LNMP one button package. MySQL database master slave synchronization has many advantages. For shallow people like me, the most useful thing is to use it as a backup. preparation The two VPS hosts used in this example

ConoHa VPS host installation Windows system (conversion)

 ConoHa VPS host installation Windows system (conversion)
Issued on: December 4, 2015 | Click: 8319 times | Comments: twenty-two

I have tried several ways to install the Windows system with ConoHa VPS, and I think visual installation with tools is the easiest and most suitable way for Xiaobai installation like Zhao Rong. It is specially reproduced. The tools and installation methods involved in this article are all from Laozuo's blog. The article shows me how to use this tool to verify the installation process. I have opened three VPS tests and installed them normally. The original address is: http://www.laozuo.org/6783.html ...

Vultr Registration Tutorial

 Vultr Registration Tutorial
Issued on: November 7, 2015 | Click: 5241 times | No comment

Vultr is a reliable foreign VPS host company. It adopts the same model as Do. The product starts at $5 a month. It supports deleting and returning accounts at any time. Those who want to change IP addresses at any time are just right. You can change one after deleting and reopening. In addition, the host company also provides computer rooms in Japan and Los Angeles that have better access speed in China, KVM architecture, and the machine supports uploading its own ISO to install the system. Although the website has an English interface, Vultr

RamNode KVM Installation Windows 2003 Tutorial

 RamNode KVM Installation Windows 2003 Tutorial
Issued on: October 29, 2015 | Click: 5362 times | Comments: three

This is not actually a tutorial, because the operation process of the article is exactly the same as that of the previous article (the reference of the original article). Recently, a reader asked on Q how to install Windows 2003 on the KVM of RamNode. Because I happen to have the KVM VPS of RamNode, I logged in and looked at it. It seems that there is no Windows 2003 ISO only 2008, So you can refer to the previous article that does not support Windows

Bandwagonhost Purchase Tutorial

 Bandwagonhost Purchase Tutorial
Issued on: June 28, 2015 | Click: 12589 times | No comment

We talked about the registration process of Bandwagonhost before. If you don't understand the registration process, you can see here: the registration tutorial of Bandwagonhost. A friend asked me again, how can I buy it if I register? In fact, it is also very simple for the movers to purchase. We can directly purchase a product through the product list page on the official website, or through the purchase link in the blog post. It also supports Alipay payment, which is very convenient. [tas...

Bandwagonhost VPS management panel tutorial

 Bandwagonhost VPS management panel tutorial
Issued on: June 27, 2015 | Click: 13806 times | Comments: three

The blog has shared the method of registering and purchasing Bandwagonhost. Many friends have already used his VPS products. Bandwagonhost's VPS management panel is not our common SolusVM panel. It is a kiwiVM developed by itself, which is no less convenient than SolusVM in use, and has also added some features. Today, we will share his VPS management panel one by one. [ta...

Bandwagonhost Registration Tutorial

 Bandwagonhost Registration Tutorial
Issued on: June 26, 2015 | Click: 8372 times | Comments: two

Bandwagonhost is a station owned by IT7. It is highly qualified and provides OpenVZ architecture VPS. The data center in Los Angeles and Phoenix is a relatively good American computer room for domestic access. In addition to the low-cost package and stable product performance that it has always provided, it is highly praised by users. It is a good choice for both stations and agents. In particular, Alipay payment is also supported, so that readers without PayPal or dual currency credit cards can directly purchase

DirectAdmin theme Capri official is now open source and free to use

 DirectAdmin theme Capri official is now open source and free to use
Issued on: May 17, 2015 | Click: 8661 times | Comments: twenty-seven

This article is adapted from "Gu Yu Network". About the skin of DA Capri, Zhao Rong Tribe shared the cracked version in 2012. Many friends especially like this theme. I personally feel that although the theme interface is beautiful, it is always much slower than the default theme of DA, so I have never insisted on using it. Well, the following is the reprinted content: Capri is a set of business DirectAdmin themes, which should be used by many people, and I personally like it. Some time ago, I did
