Lighthouse « Zhaorong Tribe

Lighthouse Care, a lightweight worry free plan of Tencent Cloud, helped to get up to 200 yuan of vouchers

 Lighthouse Care, a lightweight worry free plan of Tencent Cloud, helped to get up to 200 yuan of vouchers
Issued on: May 20, 2021 | Click: 1160 times | No comment

Tencent Cloud recently launched another lightweight worry free plan, Lighthouse Care, which requires inviting friends to help obtain purchase information. Friends who participate in the help can receive a new purchase subsidy or voucher of up to 200 yuan. Worry free instance is a limited special instance that enjoys certain additional benefits on top of the basic services of the regular lightweight application server. Its performance and functions are no different from those of ordinary instances. If you obtain the purchase qualification of Worry free instance, you can enjoy the same price for new and old instances, the same price for renewal, and one year of free domain names

Tencent Cloud lightweight server can be selected from Hong Kong/Singapore/Japan/America/Russia for a monthly payment of 24 yuan

 Tencent Cloud lightweight server can be selected from Hong Kong/Singapore/Japan/America/Russia for a monthly payment of 24 yuan
Issued on: May 7, 2021 | Click: 1949 times | No comment

I searched the information of the next tribe about the Tencent cloud lightweight server (lighthouse), which is generally shared in the promotional seckill activity, but has not been shared separately, and the seckill activity requires a minimum payment of 1-3 years. In fact, the Tencent lightweight server will be released in 2020, and the package supports monthly payment. The machine room areas available include Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Nanjing, Chengdu, Hong Kong, Singapore In 10 regions, including Tokyo, Japan, Silicon Valley, Russia, etc., new users can easily go to the cloud for 1 core, 2

Tencent Cloud lightweight application server: from 128 yuan per year for one core 1G3M, and from 24 yuan per month for one core 1G30M Hong Kong cloud server

 Tencent Cloud lightweight application server: from 128 yuan per year for one core 1G3M, and from 24 yuan per month for one core 1G30M Hong Kong cloud server
Release date: September 26, 2020 | Click: 2092 times | No comment

Tencent Cloud lightweight application server Lighthouse began testing in May this year and has been officially released in September. At present, it is in the promotion stage. New and old users can enjoy ultra-low prices, such as 1-core CPU, 1GB memory, 3M bandwidth. The annual payment for domestic lightweight servers is only 128 yuan, and data centers in Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, and Chengdu are optional; However, Hong Kong, Singapore and other overseas lightweight servers only start at 24 yuan per month, providing 30M bandwidth. With domestic light weight
