Jiakuan vps test « Zhaorong Tribe

Lisahost A simple test of the CMI return VPS of Hong Kong Tri Network. How about Lisahost?

 Lisahost A simple test of the CMI return VPS of Hong Kong Tri Network. How about Lisahost?
Issued on: May 3, 2024 | Click: 306 times | No comment

Last month, I shared the VPS information of Lisahost (Lisa host)'s return CMI line on the three networks in Hong Kong. The mainland three networks are directly connected. The return three networks of China Telecom cn2, China Mobile cmin2, China Unicom 9929, and the return three networks of China Unicom cmi. The pure ip supports streaming media unlocking. The merchant machine has also been running for a while. There is no special preferential information to share, so I bought a minimum configuration model for a simple test, Paste it for your reference. Official website: www Lisaho...

How about lisahost? Simple VPS test of the US dual isp triple network 9929 line of Lisa host

 How about lisahost? Simple VPS test of the US dual isp triple network 9929 line of Lisa host
Issued on: April 13, 2024 | Click: 456 times | No comment

Zhao Rong Tribe shared the product information of lisahost a few days ago. It focuses on native IP VPS hosts for dual isp homes in different computer rooms. Recently, it entered a US native IP host for dual isp homes in Phase I of AS9929 for a simple test for your reference. This series of hosts can not only unlock a large number of streaming media (videos, games, e-commerce, etc., specific information is recommended to be viewed on the merchant website), but also access the three networks AS9929 for return trip
