Multi ip server « Zhaorong Tribe

80VPS: From 900 yuan/month for station cluster servers, 1C/4C/8C/16C segment IP is optional, CN2 line, US/Hong Kong/Japan

 80VPS: From 900 yuan/month for station cluster server, IP of 1C/4C/8C/16C section is optional, CN2 line, US/Hong Kong/Japan/Korea machine room
Release date: September 21, 2024 | Click: 266 times | No comment

80VPS updated the server information of the station cluster this month. It can select the computer rooms in Los Angeles, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong and other regions of the United States. It provides 1C (253 IP), 4C (244 IP), 8C (232 IP), 16C (208 IP). The minimum monthly payment is 900 yuan. Readers of the CN2 station cluster in the United States and Xianggang can pay attention to it. 80VPS is an early established domestic host company, and its products include virtual host, VPS

80VPS: Hong Kong CN2 server: 299 yuan/month, VPS host: 199 yuan/year, Hong Kong/US station cluster server: 900 yuan

 80VPS: Hong Kong CN2 server: 299 yuan/month, VPS host: 199 yuan/year, Hong Kong/US station cluster server: 900 yuan/month
Issued on: August 25, 2024 | Click: 285 times | No comment

80VPS currently provides some promotional independent servers, which are set up in the computer rooms in Hong Kong, Los Angeles/San Jose and Singapore. The CN2 line (mainland optimization is optional) can be quickly launched. The CN2 server in Hong Kong is as low as 299 yuan/month, while the CN2 server in the United States is only 350 yuan/month. 80VPS is a domestic hosting company that has been established for more than ten years. Its products include virtual hosts, VPS/cloud servers, independent server leasing, etc., which can be selected from the United States (Los Angeles/San Jose/

80VPS: station cluster server 900 yuan/month (8C232 IP), US/Hong Kong independent server 299 yuan/month

 80VPS: station cluster server 900 yuan/month (8C232 IP), US/Hong Kong independent server 299 yuan/month
Issued on: July 18, 2024 | Click: 399 times | No comment

80VPS is an old domestic business offering a full range of product categories, providing virtual host, VPS and independent server rental, etc. It can choose computer rooms in Los Angeles, San Jose, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and other regions in the United States. In addition to the regular package, VPS also provides special annual payment series of at least 199 yuan/year; The minimum cost of independent servers in each region is 350 yuan/month, and the U.S. CN2, Hong Kong CN2 and other lines can be selected; Featured product site cluster server, providing 1C-16

What are the cluster servers? Multi IP server, 4C/8C/16C segment IP server

 What are the cluster servers? Multi IP server, 4C/8C/16C segment IP server
Issued on: June 20, 2024 | Click: 880 times | No comment

On the 1st of this month, I wrote an article about large bandwidth servers, mainly sharing some 10Gbps bandwidth server vendors and products. If you are interested, you can (click to view). Today, I will share another kind of special product: station cluster servers. The station cluster servers mentioned by the tribe refer to multiple IP servers, with at least 100 independent IP addresses. Some provide hundreds of independent IP addresses in 1C/4C/8C/16C segments. In this way, many sub websites are deployed on one server, managed uniformly, and different websites are assigned different IP addresses

80VPS: Special price of 8C station cluster server 900 yuan/month - E3-1240v5/16GB/1TB SSD/ 100TB@1Gbp...

 80VPS: Special price of 8C station cluster server 900 yuan/month - E3-1240v5/16GB/1TB SSD/ 100TB@1Gbps /Los Angeles computer room
Issued on: May 30, 2024 | Click: 448 times | No comment

At present, 80VPS has launched a special station cluster server, which is set up in the Los Angeles machine room, with E3V5 CPU+SSD hard disk, 100TB/1Gbps large bandwidth and large traffic, and 232 independent IPs in eight C segments. The special price of this month is 900 yuan/month. 80VPS is an old Chinese merchant, which provides virtual host, VPS and independent server rental products. It can choose computer rooms in Los Angeles, San Jose, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and other regions

IWebFusion independent server $45/month, 4C/8C/16C station cluster server $109/month, 5 computers including Los Angeles/Bender

 IWebFusion independent server $45/month, 4C/8C/16C station cluster server $109/month, 5 machine rooms including Los Angeles/Bender are optional
Issued on: May 26, 2024 | Click: 563 times | No comment

IWebFusion is a website owned by H4Y, an old brand foreign merchant, established in 2001. It provides VPS and independent server rental products. The merchant's independent server starts at least 45 dollars per month, and it starts to provide cluster servers from April. You can choose 4C, 8C, 16C segment IP. By default, it can provide up to 464 independent IP. You can choose Los Angeles (Aptum or Psychz), North Carolina, Bender Monticello and other 5 regional data centers, with the minimum of

IWebFusion station cluster server $109/month, 4C/8C/16C optional, 5 machine rooms including Los Angeles/North Carolina

 IWebFusion station cluster server $109/month, 4C/8C/16C optional, 5 machine rooms including Los Angeles/North Carolina
Release date: April 16, 2024 | Click: 546 times | No comment

Iwebfusion (iWFHosting) recently launched cluster models, including cluster VPS and cluster servers. It provides 4C, 8C or 16C segment IP, up to 16/27, a total of 464 IPv4, 1Gbps bandwidth, and a minimum monthly payment of $109. You can choose Los Angeles (Aptum or Psychz), North Carolina, Bend, Monticello and other computer rooms. Iwebfusion is a website of H4Y, which is a member of H4Y

80VPS: The monthly payment for 8 C-segment IP addresses of station cluster servers in MC machine room in Los Angeles starts from 750 yuan, and the monthly payment for 16TB disk storage servers starts from

 80VPS: From 750 yuan per month for 8 C-segment IP addresses of station cluster servers in MC machine room in Los Angeles, and from 850 yuan per month for 16TB disk storage servers
Issued on: April 4, 2021 | Click: 1321 times | No comment

Tribe has shared 80VPS information for many times. It is an old Chinese host company with rich products, including virtual hosts, domain name registration, VPS, cloud servers, independent servers, etc., and a large number of machine rooms in different regions in many countries, such as the United States, China, Japan, Singapore, and South Korea. In addition to conventional products, it also provides multi IP station cluster servers and large disk storage servers, among which the station cluster servers using E3 CPUs provide at least 8 C segment 232

80VPS: Los Angeles MC station cluster server 850 yuan/X3440/4GB/1TB/15TB traffic/232IP (8C segment)

 80VPS: Los Angeles MC station cluster server 850 yuan/X3440/4GB/1TB/15TB traffic/232IP (8C segment)
Issued on: January 5, 2020 | Click: 1461 times | No comment

Readers who need multi C segment IP station cluster servers can pay attention to 80VPS, which is also an old Chinese host company, providing products including domain name registration, virtual host, VPS Independent server leasing, etc. The data center includes more than a dozen regional computer rooms in the United States, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Germany and other countries, of which VPS is based on XEN or KVM architecture. The host company has some independent servers on sale during the New Year, such as the fragrance shared before

80VPS Taiwan&Hong Kong station cluster server starts from 1350 yuan/1-8 C segments/232-253 IP addresses

 80VPS Taiwan&Hong Kong station cluster server starts from 1350 yuan/1-8 C segments/232-253 IP addresses
Issued on: August 1, 2019 | Click: 3421 times | Comments: two

Tribe has shared 80VPS information for many times. This is an early Chinese host company, which provides VPS, virtual host, domain name registration, independent server rental and other products. There are many data centers available. Previously, the tribe also shared most VPS hosts. Businesses also provide independent server rental for multiple computer rooms, including multi segment, multi IP station cluster servers. At present, host companies in Taiwan Hong Kong station cluster servers are available, providing 1-8 C segment 232-253 independent IPs, 135 per month
