Zhaorong Tribe - Foreign VPS, VPS evaluation, VPS tutorial, VPS discount code, foreign server, cheap VPS

 High speed of MC machine room in Los Angeles starts at 18 yuan

RackNerd: VPS in the United States pays from $10 a year, supports IP exchange, Los Angeles

Issued on: September 2, 2024 | Click: 442 times

RackNerd is familiar to everyone because it provides a large number of cheap VPS hosts. Based on KVM architecture, the product has good stability, supports self-service IP exchange, and after-sales support is also timely. It should be one of the current low-cost VPS vendors with relatively good reputation. The vendors were founded in 2019, and the products provided include virtual hosts, VPS

V5.NET Hong Kong high configuration server 540 yuan/month - 2 * Intel Gold 5120

Issued on: September 2, 2024 | Click: 272 times

V5 Server (V5.NET) has newly installed two high configuration independent servers in the computer room in Kowloon, Hong Kong, with dual Intel Gold 5120 or 6138 (up to 40 cores and 80 threads CPU), and domestic three network direct connection BGP lines. At present, for these two new machines, a discount code of 10% is provided, with the minimum monthly payment after discount

GD preference code GD unbinding credit card and automatic renewal

 GD preference code GD unbinding credit card and automatic renewal
Issued on: October 31, 2010 | Click: 11809 times

These days, GD's domain name registration discount code has come again, the discount code: SCARYONE This code is suitable for registering or transferring COM US,. MOBI,. BIZ,. NET,. ORG,. CA,. CO.UK and. IN are only $1.00 domain names! (Limited to the top 10000 buyers or on November 27, 2010) Just in time, Zhao Rong

Sad reminder: the space is severely winded, funny: Ke Niufa "361 special police"

 Sad reminder: the space is severely winded, funny: Ke Niufa "361 special police"
Issued on: October 30, 2010 | Click: 9566 times

Very depressed. Since yesterday, the space has been drawing air. It has not been opened properly, only occasionally, including now in the middle of the night. In the afternoon, I sent an email to a friend who bought the space on behalf of others, but it was short and normal. It was really annoying. Now I don't know when this phenomenon will last, but yesterday afternoon I opened a free bar, which is the same thing. I posted a question on the forum. It seems that Netcom has not been affected by this phenomenon, and I don't know why! I can only pray: short smoke

360 launched a new software called "Buckling Bodyguard" to publicly filter advertisements on QQ main interface

 360 launched a new software called "Buckling Bodyguard" to publicly filter advertisements on QQ main interface
Issued on: October 29, 2010 | Click: 6422 times

This morning, 360 made a new announcement that they launched a software called "Buckling Bodyguard", and publicly announced that they would block ads on QQ's main interface and uninstall QQ video, music and other QQ peripheral software installed with QQ. Dear 360 users Recently, the "360 Privacy Protector" has exposed the behavior of a few Internet companies peeping at users' privacy, which has been popular among Internet users. We have also received many friends who care about 360 and feedback to us that we need

Blue Sky host network provides 500M or 10G free PHP host for free

 Blue Sky host network provides 500M or 10G free PHP host for free
Issued on: October 29, 2010 | Click: 9873 times

The news that the Blue Sky host network provides free hosts comes from the free bar forum. Zhao Rong also went to join the crowd to apply for a test. This host must have been made by Chinese people. From my understanding of Chinese IDC, I can't help but question the host's survival time. However, the space is good, such as: good speed, The application efficiency is quite high. It can be used immediately. The free space provided by the Blue Sky host is divided into two specifications. Both are famous

Zhao Rong Plays GAE's Rice Binding

 Zhao Rong Plays GAE's Rice Binding
Issued on: October 28, 2010 | Click: 8922 times

Zhao Rong told everyone about the application of GAE and uploaded it. I believe everyone has built their own blog, right? At this time, you may not be satisfied with the level 2 domain name *. appspot.com given to you by GAE. You are eager to tie up a top meter and have multiple personalities? So today, I will give you a general description of the process of rice binding. The general steps are to first register the domain name to Google Enterprise Suite, and then bind the domain name to the GAE application, but you need to note that

Zhao Rong also played GAE website upload

 Zhao Rong also played GAE website upload
Issued on: October 26, 2010 | Click: 21004 times

As we said earlier, it's easy to apply for GAE, isn't it? It's just that the mobile phone receives a verification code, which will be a little troublesome later. This article will talk about uploading, how to upload the website program to GAE, so that the address just applied for can be accessed. Here, I will take the example of the microlog blog program. The GAE upload program is different from the virtual host we purchased. The general space is point to point upload, while the GAE space is point to group upload. It needs to set up the local environment first

Zhao Rongye's Application for GAE

 Zhao Rongye's Application for GAE
Issued on: October 26, 2010 | Click: 10479 times

In fact, I have seen many places to introduce GAE, and I have always wanted to play with it, but I saw that everyone said it was very troublesome and troublesome. Zhao Rong is a farmer, and he read very little, and he is quite afraid of trouble, so he has not done it all the time. When I was free tonight, I specially applied for a try. Unexpectedly, it was not difficult to apply. Now I am sharing the process with everyone. First of all, what is GAE? From a practical point of view, GAE can provide us with a stable free website space. The space support language is python

If the cloud knows

 If the cloud knows
Issued on: October 26, 2010 | Click: 7283 times

When I was confused, I chose to close my eyes and listen to some music. It was a call from my heart. I tried to feel it, hoping that it could hold my hand and give me a firm belief at the moment I touched it. But it mercilessly threw me a ruler without scale, which was full of waiting, and made me lose my direction completely. Once love freezes, everything is calm Once the tears are gone, only determination remains Exile yourself at the border of night Let the dawn approach me step by step Miss you

Photobucket.com free 1G map bed supports external chain

 Photobucket.com free 1G map bed supports external chain
Issued on: October 25, 2010 | Click: 12691 times

PhotoBucket is a website for sharing images, videos, slides and photos. The most important thing for us is to support the image external chain. It has been providing external chain services steadily since 2003, unlike many domestic photo album providers. Maybe after a period of time, the external chain services will be&*% ¥ # @ Ooo haha~~ Since July 2007, PhotoBucket has been backed up by powerful media groups. In addition to being

The news that Tencent is about to disband its QQ group is all rumors

 The news that Tencent is about to disband its QQ group is all rumors
Issued on: October 24, 2010 | Click: 9377 times

In the last two days, many QQ groups Zhao Rong joined have netizens forwarding Tencent like news. The original text is roughly as follows: Because each QQ group involves politics, unhealthy and vulgar content to varying degrees. From October 30, 2010, our company will cancel all group functions and dissolve all existing QQ groups. At that time, you will not be able to create and join any group. The recovery date will be notified later. The majority of netizens can still use other related businesses of Tencent through QQ. Thank you for your help
