Zhao Rong launched GD INFO domain name group purchase 5 yuan/piece/first year

 Zhao Rong launched GD INFO domain name group purchase 5 yuan/piece/first year
Issued on: May 4, 2011 | Click: 12757 times | Comments: fifteen

GD (godaddy) launched a discount code of ultra-low info last Christmas, but it expired soon after Christmas. A few days ago, a friend accidentally mentioned that Taobao has a few yuan for one info domain name. I also looked at it by the way. After many checks, we learned that GD (godaddy) info domain name concessions still exist, and it only needs to buy more than one (5) at a time to enjoy this ultra-low price. To facilitate the need for info domain names

The course of PUSH (transfer of ownership) of godaddy (GD) domain name

 The course of PUSH (transfer of ownership) of godaddy (GD) domain name
Issued on: May 1, 2011 | Click: 16655 times | Comments: nine

I saw some friends asking about the transfer of GD domain names, and thought that if you purchase GD domain names on behalf of others, transfer is an essential process. So today, I will take a practical fight between my two accounts to share the process with you. First, log in to our GD account, click MY PRODUCTS on the top right, then go to the left and click Domain Manager under Domains: [Tip] You can also click directly behind the domain name

GD domain name latest $1 discount code

 GD domain name latest $1 discount code
Issued on: April 19, 2011 | Click: 11066 times | Comments: twelve

Today, we learned the latest domain name discount code of godaddy, and use it to register or transfer COM Domain names such as US,. MOBI,. BIZ,. NET,. ORG,. CA,. CO.UK and. IN only cost $1, and this offer is also applicable to new and old users. Interestingly, this coupon code comes from a Facebook page. When you enter a name on this page, choose

The latest $0.99 discount for wpwebhost.com domain name

 The latest $0.99 discount for wpwebhost.com domain name
Issued on: April 17, 2011 | Click: 9026 times | Comments: seven

Wpwebhost.com is a foreign host provider. From their domain name, we can see that WP=wordpress, which means quite clearly, provides professional wordpress hosts. At present, wpwebhost. com has launched a crazy domain name promotion plan. The original price of registering. com,. net,. org,. biz,. info domains with discount codes is $9.99. Now it's only $0.99

Godaddy registration. com latest discount code $5.99

 Godaddy registration. com latest discount code $5.99
Issued on: April 16, 2011 | Click: 8020 times | Comments: three

I have introduced the GD domain name many times in my blog. GD itself is the world's largest domain name registrar, and its resolution speed is also extremely fast. It is usually OK in a few minutes. At the same time, it often launches some discount codes, such as occasionally for $1.99, which is extremely valuable. The discount code introduced today is not as valuable as $1.99, but it is also quite affordable. It is only $5.99 to register the domain name of. com with this discount code. Discount code: gfnncn0

YAHOO domain name $1.99 latest discount code

 YAHOO domain name $1.99 latest discount code
Issued on: April 15, 2011 | Click: 12228 times | Comments: eleven

Previously, the first year registration of the Yahoo domain name only cost $1.99, and it can be transferred out freely. So many friends chose to register the domain name in Yahoo. In the beginning, the domain name zrblog.net was also registered in Yahoo. However, Yahoo later adjusted the price to $3.95 (still very cheap) after the first year of registration. However, the discount code introduced by Zhao Rong today, after use, the price of the first year is only $1.99, less than RMB
