VPS novice tutorial ⑨: KVM uses VNC to install CentOS system « Zhao Rong Tribe

VPS novice tutorial ⑨: KVM uses VNC to install CentOS system

Time: January 9, 2013 Column: VPS Tutorial Author: Zhao Rong Click: 17487 times

 Proprietary computer room/advanced anti DDoS server/advanced anti DDoS VPS/American advanced anti DDoS/Los Angeles VPS/Los Angeles advanced anti DDoS server

[Updated in 2013] I need to update this article. Please note that a large number of IDC currently provide KVM The product can not only complete the system installation step by step like the following tutorial, but also provide one click installation (reinstallation) of the system. It is not fussy, troublesome, and in a hurry The same is true for direct reinstall~~~

Recently, I met some friends who bought KVM architecture products and left a message, saying that they had met a bad father. They could not log in through SSH after buying KVM and could not ping, and so on. In fact, this is due to the ignorance of KVM architecture products. Compared with OpenVZ and XEN (PV), KVM has greater autonomy. When we buy a KVM that is only equivalent to a bare metal machine, and has no operating system, when we get it, we should first install the operating system through the VPS management panel, and then connect and use it. A long time ago, I wrote a simple procedure to install Debian on Hostization KVM( Antecedent review )Today, I'm here to share about KVM installation CentOS To give you a reference.

Friendly tip: There are many pictures in this article, which have been loaded for a long time. Please understand.

First, we log in to the SolusVM panel, set the optical drive to start, and put the CentOS ISO file in the optical drive.


As shown in the following figure, I am going to install CentOS5.8. Here, I can choose Full CD or Netinstall (one is direct ISO, the other is network installation). Here, I take a screenshot of the selected CD installation, but later I used Netinstall. Note that the basic steps are the same.


After finishing the above work, restart VPS, and then click the VNC connection on the panel.

Please note that the VNC connection of the panel requires the browser JAVA support. Please install the browser plug-in yourself. You can also use the VNC tool to view the VNC link information on the panel.

OK, this is the VNC installation interface. We choose the text mode to start the installation.


The following figure is the page for selecting CD installation. It prompts you to find the CD and asks if you need to detect it. This is not necessary. You can simply click Skip.


If you use the CD to install directly, the following two steps will not appear. I will take the network installation as an example, and the following interface will appear. First configure TCP/IP, and then use the default.


Enter the network installation source address. We can find many installation sources in the search engine.


The Welcome screen appears.


Since I already have a system here, I have one more choice. I choose to reinstall the system.


Next, you can define partitions and select disks.


Disk partition adjustment.


Start item management configuration.


Hostname configuration, which can not be set temporarily.


I choose Asia/Chongqing as the time zone.


Password setting of the root account.


Optional installation package.


This is a prompt indicating that the installation is about to begin.


Format the disk and file system.


OK, Installation started.


The above is the process of starting the installation. After the installation is completed, there will be a prompt to restart the page. I will not take a screenshot. OK and restart.

After restarting, the user will go to the login interface and log in with the root password we set.

I installed CentOS6.3 once more, which is also Netinstall. Due to space limitations, I will not elaborate one by one. I will send screenshots of the process to the space. You can download the compressed package of screenshots to watch: Click to download the screenshot tutorial of KVM installation CentOS6

The above is the basic process of installing CentOS by KVM. There are many pictures and some missing screenshots, which are relatively simple. If you cannot push the connection, check whether the SSHD service is enabled and whether the iptables rule is abnormal.

 Advanced Defense VPS/Los Angeles Advanced Defense/Advanced Defense Server/20 year old computer room

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VPS novice tutorial ⑨: KVM uses VNC to install CentOS system: currently there are 16 messages

  1. 9th floor
    chinaboreas :

    Is the KiwiVM and KVM of the next tile maker the same?

    2015-06-28 18:31 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      These two concepts are completely different. The former is the name of the VPS management panel, and the latter is the VPS virtual architecture type.

      2015-06-29 07:14 [Reply]
  2. 8th floor
    babytomas :

    Can I use KVM to install third-party Linux? For example, BackTrack 5..

    2013-07-14 19:11 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      Theoretically, it is OK. It should be submitted to ISO to the host company.

      2013-07-14 19:34 [Reply]
  3. 7th floor
    set sail :

    Can Kvm install xfce after installing Centos? I installed something that doesn't show,

    2013-01-13 11:04 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      sure. Installing xface under CentOS has nothing to do with KVM. If not, it may be because of CentOS system components.

      2013-01-13 11:06 [Reply]
  4. 6th floor
    lxx981204 :

    Kvm or something should be able to install windows

    2013-01-12 11:18 [Reply]
  5. 5F
    kevin :

    Come to kvmla decisively
    Install centos debian directly without hanging iso 😛

    2013-01-09 21:11 [Reply]
  6. 4th floor
    Ordos Hotline :

    Really not...

    2013-01-09 20:48 [Reply]
  7. floor
    dream :

    Kvm is not fun. Tired. To be honest, there are some options in the installation process, but most of them are simple. How many options do we need.

    2013-01-09 15:57 [Reply]
  8. Bench
    one hundred and twenty-three :

    Whether kvm is good or not, to be honest, I have never used KVM, and I am ready to move. Is it really more stable than ovz. Baidu has compared KVM and ovz, and the content of the article is copied, with few constructive comments.

    2013-01-09 13:53 [Reply]
  9. sofa
    Gongyu Qiancheng :

    Mmm! I bought several kvms before. Some of them can't be connected to the Internet, some can be accessed directly after installation, some need to be set during installation, and some can't access the Internet after installation! No kvm now!

    2013-01-09 09:51 [Reply]
    • fairly tall :

      The network cannot be connected to the nimmal network by default. The network card and dhcp must be enabled

      2013-02-18 23:12 [Reply]


 hostyun  locvps
