WHM Series: Solution to Unlimited User Quota Error

WHM Series: Solution to User Quota Errors (Unlimited)

Time: November 30, 2012 Column: VPS Tutorial Author: Zhao Rong Click: 9283 times

 Proprietary computer room/advanced anti DDoS server/advanced anti DDoS VPS/American advanced anti DDoS/Los Angeles VPS/Los Angeles advanced anti DDoS server

First of all, it is specifically stated at the beginning of the article that WHM is not equal to WHMCS. One is the virtual host panel, and the other is the billing system. Well, let's move on to today's topic. Let's begin to discuss about WHM/cPanel The problem of incorrect user quotas occurs, especially in the WHM installed on the VPS.

because WHM/cPanel The licensing price is different. Sometimes even if we buy a server, we set up VPS to install WHM, in order to save nearly half of the licensing fee in a month, which is hard for IDC. Forget it. There seems to be too much nonsense. We are here to solve the problem. Sometimes, when we create a new virtual host or transfer customers, we will find that the user's disk quota is displayed as unlimited, not the size specified in our package.


As shown in the figure above, this is the screenshot of List Accounts where I test the transfer of DA panel data in the VPS of the serverhub. It shows that the quota is infinite. The solution to the problem is divided into two steps, simple first and troublesome later. If the problem is solved simply and directly, it will not be so troublesome later. The simple steps are as follows:

Select Home » Server Configuration » Initial Quota Setup.

At this time, a warning pops up. Regardless of the quota, just stick to it and click Proceed to continue.

Wait for the system to finish processing, and then return to List Accounts to check whether the user quota is normal. If it is OK, you don't need to look down. If it is still the same, please look down.

This is because we have migrated the file to WHM/cPanel, but the permission does not belong to this server. SSH logs in to our server (or VPS), and runs:

root@zrblog [/]#touch /home/quota.user
root@zrblog [/]#touch /home/quota.group
root@zrblog [/]#chmod 600 /home/quota.user
root@zrblog [/]#chmod 600 /home/quota.group

Then we check the permissions.

root@zrblog [/]#quotacheck –acugv

If the above command reports an error and cannot be run, please use the following command.

root@zrblog [/]#quotacheck –acugvm

If you have many files, please be patient and wait for this step to complete.

Last run.

/scripts/fixquotas –force

Then we go back to log in to WHM/cPanel and select the List Accounts menu. Is this finally normal?

Not yet? It is estimated that you are OpenVZ. Go to the host company and set it on the hen.

Although it is a little troublesome, it is finally solved because I am not familiar with WHM. If you have a better method, you can share it with Zhao Rong. Thank you in advance.

 Advanced Defense VPS/Los Angeles Advanced Defense/Advanced Defense Server/20 year old computer room

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About safety: Any IDC has the possibility of going bankrupt and running away. The host line is even more uncontrollable. Monthly payment and backup are your best choices. Please keep good and regular backup habits

WHM series: Solution to user quota error (unlimited): there are currently 10 messages

  1. 6th floor
    x lu :

    Hello, stationmaster
    I have a question for you
    I don't know where it was set
    As a result, the server needs to edit attributes when uploading php files
    The original 777 does not need to be set
    If you know, please let me know

    2014-02-03 16:29 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      It may not be caused by CGI mode. For php, choose suphp

      2014-02-03 17:41 [Reply]
      • x lu :

        The same thing happens when you choose and reboot
        Another situation is
        Some automatically generated directories cannot be deleted
        I don't know if it's related

        2014-02-03 19:56 [Reply]
      • x lu :

        Thanks for solving
        I just picked the wrong place
        Just as you said

        2014-02-03 20:58 [Reply]
  2. 5F
    Jun Shao :

    Worry 😮 😮 😮

    2013-02-01 17:16 [Reply]
  3. 4th floor
    Jun Shao :

    Cry. Is openvz not partitioned? I really don't understand. Can you help me? 😮

    2013-02-01 17:16 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      If you can see all your disk space, what do you do with partitions?

      2013-02-01 21:01 [Reply]
  4. floor
    GyPSii :

    Take a seat!

    2012-12-01 18:28 [Reply]
  5. Bench
    BudgetVM :

    😮 Rongmei is going to sell unlimited hosts

    2012-12-01 00:41 [Reply]
  6. sofa
    Musk :

    Grab the sofa ❗ ❗

    2012-11-30 19:55 [Reply]


 hostyun  locvps
