Google will push Zhaorong Tribe, an Internet TV that can watch one million channels

Google will push Internet TV with 1 million channels

Time: May 22, 2010 Column: Net Sea Picking up Shellfish Author: Zhao Rong Click: 9537 times

 Self operated machine room/advanced anti DDoS server/advanced anti DDoS VPS/American advanced anti DDoS/Los Angeles VPS/Los Angeles advanced anti DDoS server

On March 17 this year, google Intel and sony announced that they were developing a Google TV platform. In May, Google announced at the Innovation and Opening (I/O) Conference that Sony and Logitech would launch TV products running Google TV software and equipped with Intel chips. This Google Internet TV adopts Android 2.1 system and Intel Atom chip. It can search TV videos, browse massive network videos, and download various applications. At present, the prototype of Google TV has been made with Sony and Logitech, including the integration with Blu ray player and set-top box. Even the launch date has been set for this autumn.

In fact, science and technology are always improving, which is very exciting. But do we really need a TV set with one million programs? Can our network bandwidth keep up with these soft environments? I think that in China, our environment is definitely not as free to switch as Google said. Now we need to buffer every video we watch on Baidu Qiyi. What about Google TV, which depends on the Internet to work?

However, at the end of the introduction, I saw the product introductions of Sony and Logitech. They basically integrate the cable TV set-top box, satellite TV, and Google TV's network TV functions, so this is not an overly advanced product. Otherwise, when the Chinese sit in front of the TV and wait for the video buffer, they may even have the impulse to smash the TV.

 Advanced Defense VPS/Los Angeles Advanced Defense/Advanced Defense Server/20 year old computer room

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    Like the last sentence

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