DirectAdmin optimizes MySQL performance (upgrades TCMalloc and modifies configuration)

DirectAdmin optimizes MySQL performance (upgrades TCMalloc and modifies configuration)

Time: July 1, 2012 Column: VPS Tutorial Author: Zhao Rong Click: 16236 times

 Proprietary computer room/advanced anti DDoS server/advanced anti DDoS VPS/American advanced anti DDoS/Los Angeles VPS/Los Angeles advanced anti DDoS server

Recently, I saw a lot of discussions about MySQL dragging down server resources, especially many personal blog owners who use wordpress source code and even send a comment to the MySQL database. Although I cannot fundamentally solve these problems, it is necessary to do some simple optimization for MySQL DirectAdmin Under panel MySQL optimization Take an example to make a simple record.


About this article MySQL optimization I divide it into two parts, including upgrading TCMalloc And modify the MySQL configuration file.

★★★ Install TCMalloc ★★★

First, let's focus on how to install TCMalloc to optimize the performance of MySQL under high load. First, root logs in to the server. Since my server uses 64 bit Centos, you need to install the libunwind library first. This step can be skipped for 32-bit systems.

wget http: //

tar zxvf libunwind-0.99-alpha.tar.gz

cd libunwind-0.99-alpha/

CFLAGS=-fPIC ./configure


make CFLAGS=-fPIC install

Next, we begin to install Tcmalloc.

wget http: //

tar zxvf  gperftools-2.0.tar.gz

cd gperftools-2.0/


make && make install

echo “/usr/local/lib” > /etc/


After compiling, we edit the mysqld_safe file and add Tcmalloc.

vi /usr/bin/mysqld_safe

Find # executing mysqld_safe and add it below:

export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/

Save, exit, and restart MySQL.

service mysqld restart

Next, check whether it is effective and running.

lsof -n | grep tcmalloc

If you see something similar to the following, it means success.

mysqld     7758     mysql  mem       REG              253,0   1943001  109233156 /usr/local/lib/

★★★ Modify configuration file ★★★

The default MySQL configuration file of DirectAdmin is very concise.

 [mysqld] local-infile=0
 We need to modify the configuration file. Please refer to the following content (vim/etc/my. cnf)


















# Try number of CPU's*2 for thread_concurrency
























The above configuration content comes from the DirectAdmin official help center( ), please modify the parameters according to your own situation.

After completion, save, exit, and restart MySQL.

/sbin/service mysqld restart

OK, After the optimization of the above two aspects, I believe your MySQL performance will be greatly improved under high load.

 Advanced Defense VPS/Los Angeles Advanced Defense/Advanced Defense Server/20 year old computer room

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DirectAdmin optimizes MySQL performance (upgrades TCMalloc and modifies configuration): currently there are 24 messages

  1. 11th floor
    patqian :

    Why can I configure this on the other two hosts? The other one can't be configured. I have configured it for N times since starting MYSQL. Like the other two hosts, it just can't be started
    #service mysqld restart
    Shutting down MySQL. SUCCESS!
    Starting MySQL. ERROR! The server quit without updating PID file (/var/lib/mysql/

    2014-10-01 16:38 [Reply]
  2. 10th floor
    Military division :

    In the 1.4.5 version of DA/etc, there is no my.cnf but only my.cnf.old.. It seems that the accessories inside are useless

    2014-06-12 13:14 [Reply]
  3. 9th floor
    bihui :

    h ttp://

    Refer to this to fix it. My version is 5.0, and it will be fixed after upgrading to 5.1

    2013-12-20 23:18 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      The environment and component version configured by each person may be different. Tutorials are dead and live, and must be modified according to their own conditions.

      2013-12-20 23:22 [Reply]
  4. 8th floor
    bihui :

    I got dizzy. I installed it several times, but it failed. Centos 5.1

    [ root@server gperftools-2.0]# lsof -n | grep tcmalloc
    [ root@server gperftools-2.0]#

    I have checked the conf files. I am depressed

    2013-12-20 18:10 [Reply]
  5. 7th floor
    bihui :

    echo “/usr/local/lib” > /etc/

    What is this business for?

    2013-12-20 14:19 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      Write a line to a file

      2013-12-20 17:44 [Reply]
      • bihui :

        The line after writing should be/usr/local/lib
        And there are no quotation marks in the conf file

        2013-12-20 17:47 [Reply]
  6. 6th floor
    bihui :

    Lsof - n | grep tcmalloc The thing you said does not appear after the execution

    [ root@server gperftools-2.0]# lsof -n | grep tcmalloc
    [ root@server gperftools-2.0]#

    2013-12-20 14:08 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      This indicates that the installation was not successful.

      2013-12-20 14:12 [Reply]
  7. 5F
    james :

    After installing Tcmalloc, the database cannot be started. Fortunately, there is a backup, which is a false alarm.
    How can I uninstall Tcmalloc? I'm a novice. Thank you

    2013-01-05 10:43 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      Edit mysqld_safe to remove Tcmalloc.
      However, I have installed this on different servers for many times, and none of them failed, let alone failed to start the database... It's too tragic for you

      2013-01-05 10:52 [Reply]
      • james :

        Hello, in the second step, I don't have the my.cnf file, but there are two similar files, my.cnf.old and my.cnf.rpmsave. Which one should I modify? thank you

        2013-01-05 11:26 [Reply]
        • Zhao Rong :

          You can directly create a

          2013-01-05 11:43 [Reply]
          • james :

            ERROR! The server quit without updating PID file. There is an error restarting the database. What should I do? Thank you very much

            2013-01-05 11:56 [Reply]
            • Zhao Rong :

              Modify the my.cnf file, the configuration file is wrong, or clear the log, or Google related error messages.

              2013-01-05 12:12 [Reply]
              • james :

                It has been solved. Thank you. The database versions are different. Please refer to the/usr/share/mysql/my *. cnf files. Select a suitable one for your own server and copy it.

                2013-01-05 12:37 [Reply]
                • I succeeded in using your method. I struggled for a long time, but I just found one to copy

                  2013-05-02 07:51 [Reply]
  8. 4th floor
    Yusky :

    Is the server not installed by default?

    2012-07-08 03:28 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      The server generally has an operating system installed by default.

      2012-07-08 07:59 [Reply]
  9. floor
    zodiacg :

    Some parameters of MySQL 5.5 configuration file have changed compared with 5.1. For example, skip locking is now skip external locking. Moreover, it is so wicked that it has not changed the contents of its own small memory configuration file... Last time I used my small.cnf directly, it could not be started directly... Finally, I added skip innodb and left it alone

    If you are worried about the resource consumption of comments, you can consider third-party comment services, such as Disgus and China.

    2012-07-02 08:31 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      Yes, this article describes the~

      2012-07-02 08:31 [Reply]
  10. Bench
    imnpc :

    😎 Collect for use

    2012-07-01 17:45 [Reply]
  11. sofa
    Wolf :

    Thank you for such a good article. I accept it. Direct COPY

    2012-07-01 16:08 [Reply]


 hostyun  locvps
