New Linux VPS Tutorial SFTP File Transfer « Zhaorong Tribe

SFTP File Transfer for Linux VPS Novice Tutorial

Time: May 28, 2012 Column: VPS Tutorial Author: Zhao Rong Click: 21965 times

 Proprietary computer room/advanced anti DDoS server/advanced anti DDoS VPS/American advanced anti DDoS/Los Angeles VPS/Los Angeles advanced anti DDoS server

Last May, Zhao Rong wrote an article about adding FTP to lnmp( Look here )However, why do I bring up the question about FTP again today? It's because I still have friends in some QQ groups seeking help with FTP recently, so I decided to rewrite this thing, mainly introducing how to use it after we bought the Linux VPS SFTP

First, I don't recommend that you use VPS and install FTP components to transfer files via FTP SFTP

SFTP is a part of SSH. It is a secure file transfer protocol. It does not need to install components in VPS. In fact, it can be used after you pay for VPS. Tools that support SFTP connection include Core FTP, FileZilla, WinSCP, Xftp, etc., such as those commonly used by Zhao Rong flashfxp SFTP operation is supported. Next, I will take screenshots respectively flashfxp And WinSCP.

Before operation, please make sure that you have purchased a Linux VPS, and include the following information: IP address, root password. Next, let's first look at the operation mode of flash fxp (download and installation of flash fxp are omitted).

[FlashFXP uses SFTP]

Run flashfxp, click "Site" - "Site Manager", select "New Site" in the pop-up site management interface, and set the site name (defined by yourself, such as VPSAA), as shown in the figure


In the figure above, the connection type is FTP by default, please select SFTP; Enter the IP address into the primary IP address of our VPS. Pay special attention. If you have read Zhao Rong's previous article on VPS security settings and modified the SSH link port, please set the port as the port you modified; The user name and password are the VPS root account password I just asked you to prepare. When you are finished, click Apply to save the site, and then click Connect! A window will pop up asking whether to confirm and save. Select Save to confirm.


In the first picture, we can see that we have not set a remote path, so we enter the root directory of our VPS as a root user connection, and some friends wonder here: I have seen everywhere that you said home and wwwroot after installing lnmp? Is there a problem with my VPS? Therefore, I purposely use the bold red box to highlight the two links that can be clicked to the next level of directory. Please click "Arrival"/"Directory" to see all the directories you want to see.

[WinSCP uses SFTP]

WinSCP is much simpler (download and installation procedures are omitted). We still run WinSCP.


Because I marked the meaning of these contents in the screenshot of FlashFXP, this picture is not marked. After filling in the information, click Save, and then select Login to pop up the dialog box: Do you want to connect and add the key to the cache? If Yes is selected, log in to the root directory for SFTP.


Above, I have shown you how to use SFTP to connect to our VPS. As for the use of SFTP, it is exactly the same as the use of FTP. Upload and download, needless to say.

 Advanced Defense VPS/Los Angeles Advanced Defense/Advanced Defense Server/20 year old computer room

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SFTP file transfer of Linux VPS novice tutorial: 18 messages at present

  1. 8th floor
    Pinecone :

    Please help me. SSH can connect, but SFTP can't 😥

    2014-09-23 19:23 [Reply]
  2. 7th floor
    Mountaineer :

    The status bar of the vps panel is green when it is turned on. After I changed the root password on the vps control panel, I also restarted vps. Then I tried the website and it opened normally

    2012-10-27 20:19 [Reply]
  3. 6th floor
    Mountaineer :

    Connection type: sftp (no ssh) Port: 22 Account not modified: root Password: xxx Address is also correct

    2012-10-27 20:17 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      I don't know. As long as ssh can log in to vps, sftp can definitely.

      2012-10-27 20:31 [Reply]
      • I used the serial console of the vps panel to close ftp. Later, you said that ssh can log in. Then I downloaded PuTTY and logged in. When I found that I could not enter the password, I quickly prompted the server that unexpectedly closed network connection originally used flashxp. I also downloaded a FZ and logged in to sftp. The reset password still failed. dizzy

        2012-10-27 21:04 [Reply]
        • I almost fainted, and finally recovered. The question is too simple. It took a long time, but it didn't work. I decided to reopen ftp. It is found that ftp is also not good. Re ftp or add a new ftp account will continue to fail... Then I continued to watch the kloxo tutorial. When I saw the lx guard, I found the problem by comparing the IP address. I preset that I could not connect after 10 failures. The lx guard gave X my IP address. So I am sad about the situation. It's alright now. Both sftp and ftp are ok

          2012-10-27 22:28 [Reply]
          • Zhao Rong :

            Thank you for your feedback.

            2012-10-27 22:29 [Reply]
  4. [Right] Connecting to sftp: qihuokaihu. tk ->IP= PORT=22
    [Right] Connected to sftp:
    [Right] Connection failed
    [Right] Delaying 120 seconds, and will try to reconnect for the first time

    Why not mine? I started using ftp. People said that ftp should be turned off to use sftp, so I turned off pureftp. Then use sftp to connect, but the connection is not possible. I think the root password is wrong. So in the vps control panel, reset the root password, and then use the reset password to connect. It is still wrong...

    2012-10-27 20:15 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      VPS is not powered on

      2012-10-27 20:17 [Reply]
  5. 4th floor
    Wonderful work of the post-80s generation :

    Xiaobai asks for advice: 😡 How can I not transmit? I always prompt for upload error, upload failure, unable to change, unable to move 😥 I have disabled root. If I log in with another user name, the port has changed

    2012-09-22 13:15 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      Insufficient permissions, use root

      2012-09-22 13:49 [Reply]
  6. floor
    Jun Shao :

    Hello, do you want to upload binary files? Or which mode? Please consult the owner for winscp and FlashFXP. It is also the first time for me to use this VSP host!

    2012-09-12 20:38 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      Generally use binary. Both winscp and FlashFXP are great.

      2012-09-12 20:46 [Reply]
  7. Bench
    Henpuri :

    Hello, please give me some advice. I created a new virtual host and bound the domain name. I uploaded a zip package. I wanted to unzip it with unzip. php, but after opening the corresponding URL, what would pop up the dialog box to save "unzip. php"? The other station on my VPS is OK. Thank you for your help. 🙂

    2012-08-06 20:25 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      You don't need to transfer the unzip file of php to decompress it. You can decompress it directly in ssh with the unzip command.

      2012-08-06 21:05 [Reply]
      • Henpuri :

        Well, thanks for reminding me. It turns out that I forgot to configure PHP support for the new virtual host.

        2012-08-06 21:08 [Reply]
  8. sofa
    osiris :

    👿 In which version of FlashFXP, my SFTP uploaded about 256 files with errors. I am also the latest version

    2012-05-28 08:38 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      Mine is very old. It was downloaded a long time ago. The version number is 3.7.9

      2012-05-28 08:46 [Reply]


 hostyun  locvps
