Use SNMP+monitoring treasure to realize simple server performance monitoring

Simple server performance monitoring using SNMP+Monitoring Treasure

Time: March 22, 2012 Column: VPS Tutorial Author: Zhao Rong Click: 16721 times

 Proprietary computer room/advanced anti DDoS server/advanced anti DDoS VPS/American advanced anti DDoS/Los Angeles VPS/Los Angeles advanced anti DDoS server

With a single server or VPS on hand, it is also necessary to do a basic monitoring on it. When using VPS, Zhao Rong did not monitor it because some servers were used, which made his performance even more nervous. Foreign Server performance monitoring There are many websites, but it's a bit difficult for Zhao Rong, who depends on Google to read English. So today, let's share the use of SNMP + Monitor Treasure Simple server performance monitoring.

Monitor Treasure NET is recommended- SNMP , so this article also takes this as an example.

First, we install NET-SNMP.

yum install net-snmp net-snmp-devel net-snmp-utils

Next, we will start to configure NET-SNMP.

Before configuration, we need to confirm that SELinux is turned off (CentOS system attention), and then temporarily stop NET-SNMP

service snmpd stop

Then, add a read-only account (such as, create a password (such as 123456), and transmit it as MD5

 net-snmp-config --create-snmpv3-user -ro -A 123456 -a MD5

Next, start NET-SNMP

service snmpd start

Add NET-SNMP to the startup entry

chkconfig snmpd on

Then, we check NET-SNMP

 snmpwalk -v 3 -u -a MD5 -A "123456" -l authNoPriv sysDescr

If everything is normal, you will see some information output.

Finally, since Zhao Rong's server has enabled iptables, it is necessary to add the monitoring IP address of Monitor Bao SNMP in the rules:

iptables -I INPUT -p udp -s --dport 161 -j ACCEPT

iptables -I INPUT -p udp -s --dport 161 -j ACCEPT

Well, after finishing the above work, we log in to our monitoring treasure account (if not, please register yourself, address: www.jiankongbao. com)


As shown in the figure above, select "Monitoring" - "Server Performance Monitoring" in the account, then click "Add Server" on the right, fill in the necessary information in the figure below, and finally add.



After completion, you can directly click "Add Monitoring Item" on the next page


Finally, the monitoring of the server has been added. It should be noted here that if you are monitoring VPS based on the OpenVZ architecture, the last disk IO will prompt "Your server does not support this monitoring item, please add the diskio module for the Snmp Agent", and OpenVZ users should cancel this item.

Well, the simple application of using SNMP+Monitor Treasure to monitor server performance is the above process. You can use it to monitor your own server or VPS.

 Advanced Defense VPS/Los Angeles Advanced Defense/Advanced Defense Server/20 year old computer room

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Simple server performance monitoring using SNMP+monitoring treasure: there are 10 messages at present

  1. 5F
    Comprehension :

    It took me a long time, but I didn't get the link.

    2014-05-08 21:13 [Reply]
  2. 4th floor
    Beats By Dre 50% :

    Bottes UGG authentiques sont fabriqus partir de peau de mouton australien authentique. Elles sont construites pour tre confortable, flexible et durable. Les vrais peuvent galement garder vos pieds l’aise dans les deux jours froids et chauds. Ces vous garder au chaud, mais enlve la sueur et le laisse respirer vos pieds. Ce ne sont que quelques-unes des raisons pour lesquelles les authentiques sont chers.

    2012-10-20 11:31 [Reply]
  3. floor
    Host code :

    iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp -s –dport 161 -j ACCEPT
    iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp -s –dport 161 -j ACCEPT

    This is the Monitoring Treasure. What is written on it cannot be connected

    2012-05-01 00:01 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      Yes! I added this on iptables! And the monitoring treasure official also gave it~

      2012-05-01 04:50 [Reply]
  4. Bench
    Host code :

    XEN can add hard disk I/O monitoring
    Openvz is not allowed. V2 is better. Anyway, IP is limited, and it is not necessary to enter a password

    2012-03-22 14:36 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      Good V3! I usually use V3

      2012-03-22 14:38 [Reply]
  5. Net snmp config – create snmpv3 user - ro - A 123456 - a MD5 There is a missing bar here. It should be net snmp config – create snmpv3 user - ro - A 123456 - a MD5

    2012-03-22 12:05 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      I just thought it was really wrong to edit the editor in the background, but... it was originally two, but there was only one in front, tragedy!

      2012-03-22 12:12 [Reply]
      • I'm so dizzy. There's only one person coming out

        2012-03-22 17:54 [Reply]
        • Zhao Rong :

          Ha ha... It seems that it's not my problem

          2012-03-22 17:57 [Reply]


 hostyun  locvps
