VIRPUS: $5.6/month XEN-256MB/512MB/15GB/1000GB/2IPs Kansas Zhaorong Tribe

VIRPUS: $5.6/month XEN-256MB/512MB/15GB/1000GB/2IPs Kansas

Time: March 17, 2012 Column: VPS discount trends Author: Zhao Rong Click: 8696 times

 Proprietary computer room/advanced anti DDoS server/advanced anti DDoS VPS/American advanced anti DDoS/Los Angeles VPS/Los Angeles advanced anti DDoS server

VIRPUS It is an old brand foreign VPS host company, providing OpenVZ and XEN architecture VPS and Windows system VPS of the Linux system. The data center is in Kansas, central America. This is also the first stop for Zhaorong Tribe to know VPS, which has far-reaching significance and influence on me. VIRPUS Product pricing is not good, Kansas VPS The stability of is good, with less exhaust, and the ping value is about 250ms.


The latest news is that VIRPUS has released a lifetime 20% discount code for XEN and Windows products VIRPUS discount code The VPS of the latter minimum configuration XEN architecture costs only 5.6 dollars per month( Original price $7/month )

CPU: 2 cores

Memory: 256MB


Hard disk: 15GB

Monthly flow: 1000GB

2 IP/SolusVM

【 Preferential code 】 20OFFXENWIN312 (20% off, until March 19)

Go to virpus official website to order →

The official test IP:, but the VPS purchased may not be this IP segment. At present, my VIRPUS contains three different IP segments (173, 199, 208). A friend just bought another 50.115 segment. If a friend needs to test other IP segments, he or she will not publish the IP address if he or she uses VPS himself.

 Advanced Defense VPS/Los Angeles Advanced Defense/Advanced Defense Server/20 year old computer room

Statement: Blogs are only for sharing information and are not recommendations. Websites do not participate in transactions and are not intermediaries. The content only represents personal views and is not authoritative. Readers should consider it and take their own risks! Every penny and every commodity is still the eternal truth. Juvenile readers (including physical and psychological) should visit this website with their guardians! This article is written by( Zhao Rong )Original compilation, reprint, please keep the link: VIRPUS: $5.6/month XEN-256MB/512MB/15GB/1000GB/2IPs Kansas The code is not easy, please do not copy or paste!
About using: This website mainly shares server and VPS information, and does not provide any product sales or purchase. All visitors please purchase and use products within the scope of national laws and regulations. QQ group discussion: 683851361
About safety: Any IDC has the possibility of going bankrupt and running away. The host line is even more uncontrollable. Monthly payment and backup are your best choices. Please keep good and regular backup habits

VIRPUS: $5.6/month XEN-256MB/512MB/15GB/1000GB/2IPs Kansas: 12 messages at present

  1. 5F
    Passengers :

    Boss, the link is not accessible

    2012-03-21 09:33 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      Ouch, really! Their user center is hung up, unable to open it~

      2012-03-21 09:35 [Reply]
  2. 4th floor
    tourist :

    Boss, is there a system integrating kloxo environment for VPS provided abroad?

    2012-03-19 00:57 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      I don't know much, but DS does, because I use it myself, hehe

      2012-03-19 07:35 [Reply]
  3. floor
    yjc :

    His discount code finally arrived, tears came out -

    2012-03-18 14:33 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      This As for the expectation, ha~

      2012-03-18 17:33 [Reply]
  4. Bench
    QQVPS :

    Not bad, I use it stably!

    2012-03-17 16:06 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      It is said that the new machine is not good enough. I use the old machine, and I think it is good.

      2012-03-17 19:46 [Reply]
      • I don't know if it's a new machine, I/O performance and score with unixbench in January this year. And stable!

        2012-03-17 20:58 [Reply]
        • Zhao Rong :

          It's still a new machine. I'm one year ahead of you~

          2012-03-17 23:10 [Reply]
  5. ¥ 5.6/month? Let me be happy. It's $5.6. Check it out

    2012-03-17 08:17 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      Crazy! I'm really sorry. I knocked one by one, but there was no check, so it's a tragedy. It has been modified. Thank you for your correction!

      2012-03-17 08:21 [Reply]


 hostyun  locvps
