Iceberg Internet: The free cloud era is coming to an end

Iceberg Internet: The era of free cloud is coming to an end

Time: August 12, 2011 Column: Other resources Author: Zhao Rong Click: 13415 times

 Proprietary computer room/advanced anti DDoS server/advanced anti DDoS VPS/American advanced anti DDoS/Los Angeles VPS/Los Angeles advanced anti DDoS server

At the end of last month Iceberg interconnection The free virtual machine (PHP virtual machine, Hanging Treasure) is only 30 days old and has been confirmed. It seems that the free cloud era is coming to an end.

Some friends may not know what a free PHP virtual machine is, Free hanging phone treasure You can understand it by looking at this picture.


Previously, free virtual machines (including Hang Ji Bao) were used for free for an unlimited period, and only the renewal code was needed. But the latest Iceberg interconnection Announcements issued:

Dear customers


In order to allow more users of Iceberg Internet to better experience our free products, our company has adjusted the rules for the use of the existing free products. The recommendation code can only be extended for 30 days at most, and each customer has only one chance to apply for free products. After the expiration of the application for free products, we will no longer be able to apply for free products. Customers who have applied for free use for several months in our company, please consult our company QQ228787504.

Zhao Rong also personally tested it. At present, the renewal period is only 30 days at most, and then he watched it die. There is nothing he can do! In addition, each customer can only have one chance to apply for free, which means that it is impossible to apply again, because the ID card uploaded before has passed the review, which is a tragedy.

Friends like Zhao Rong who use the free hang up treasure should be aware that your hang up treasure may disappear soon, so back up your data (if any) in advance, or it will be too late to regret. I don't know how many people have bought the 100 yuan/year paid hanging phone treasure of the iceberg. Let's wait and see.

 Advanced Defense VPS/Los Angeles Advanced Defense/Advanced Defense Server/20 year old computer room

Statement: Blogs are only for sharing information and are not recommendations. Websites do not participate in transactions and are not intermediaries. The content only represents personal views and is not authoritative. Readers should consider it and take their own risks! Every penny and every commodity is still the eternal truth. Juvenile readers (including physical and psychological) should visit this website with their guardians! This article is written by( Zhao Rong )Original compilation, reprint, please keep the link: Iceberg Internet: The era of free cloud is coming to an end The code is not easy, please do not copy or paste!
About using: This website mainly shares server and VPS information, and does not provide any product sales or purchase. All visitors please purchase and use products within the scope of national laws and regulations. QQ group discussion: 683851361
About safety: Any IDC has the possibility of going bankrupt and running away. The host line is even more uncontrollable. Monthly payment and backup are your best choices. Please keep good and regular backup habits

Iceberg Internet: The free cloud era is coming to an end: there are currently 4 messages

  1. Bench
    Illusion :

    💡 Blog changed~

    2012-04-27 01:44 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      Yes, welcome May Day~

      2012-04-27 07:14 [Reply]
  2. sofa
    Aituwen :

    It's said that the EMS of Dun Zong is going to hang up its mobile phone, waiting to be launched!

    2011-11-28 09:39 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      Hanging treasure doesn't appeal to me much, hehe.

      2011-11-28 10:03 [Reply]


 hostyun  locvps
