Geek host: RMB 120/year WebNX high-speed host - Zhaorong Tribe

Geek host: RMB 120/year WebNX high-speed host

Time: August 2, 2011 Column: Host domain name Author: Zhao Rong Click: 12236 times

 Self operated machine room/advanced anti DDoS server/advanced anti DDoS VPS/American advanced anti DDoS/Los Angeles VPS/Los Angeles advanced anti DDoS server

When talking about Geek host Before, Zhao Rong tried to recommend three host companies, all of which are foreign IDC. Although Eagle hosts support Alipay, some children's shoes are still confused on the order page in English. In addition, the time difference between China and the United States makes you unable to get timely feedback when you encounter problems. So today, Zhao Rong recommends a host company operated by Chinese people to you.


Geek host is set up by porridge; -), Don't think porridge is for drinking! He is a nickname of a person. He was known by Lao Zhao when he was free; Later, he moved to the world and found his shadow everywhere on the WP Forum.

The virtual hosts provided by geek hosts are all independent servers and Chinese cPanel or DirectAdmin management panel. Support PHP script (no ASP host),. htaccess, pseudo static, etc. The host supports Alipay payment method, which can be opened immediately, and a 3-day unconditional refund guarantee is provided.

[Purchase link]


From the website of geek host, we can see that at present, a promotional host with 1GB space and 15GB monthly traffic is only ¥ 120/year, which is very good for serious station building. Moreover, the west coast of the United States is the fastest visiting area in mainland China.

Quiet high-speed everyone, porridge is not on the home page, you can order it, there is a special event host, which is paid in January, WebNX machine room, ha, this thing seems good!

In addition, porridge also provides OpenVZ and XEN for Linux, and VPS for Windows, which can also be viewed by interested friends.

 Advanced Defense VPS/Los Angeles Advanced Defense/Advanced Defense Server/20 year old computer room

Statement: Blogs are only for sharing information and are not recommendations. Websites do not participate in transactions and are not intermediaries. The content only represents personal views and is not authoritative. Readers should consider it and take their own risks! Every penny and every commodity is still the eternal truth. Juvenile readers (including physical and psychological) should visit this website with their guardians! This article is written by( Zhao Rong )Original compilation, reprint, please keep the link: Geek host: RMB 120/year WebNX high-speed host The code is not easy, please do not copy or paste!
About using: This website mainly shares server and VPS information, and does not provide any product sales or purchase. All visitors please purchase and use products within the scope of national laws and regulations. QQ group discussion: 683851361
About safety: Any IDC has the possibility of going bankrupt and running away. The host line is even more uncontrollable. Monthly payment and backup are your best choices. Please keep good and regular backup habits

Geek host: RMB 120/year WebNX high-speed host: 8 messages at present

  1. 4th floor
    Old demon :

    I'm following this host, thank you

    2011-11-04 14:26 [Reply]
  2. floor
    qiqibian :

    The porridge space is very powerful

    2011-08-04 12:28 [Reply]
    • qiqibian :

      Posting by imitating my online name!

      2011-08-04 14:31 [Reply]
      • Zhao Rong :

        Wow, it's really depressing to be famous! Ha!

        2011-08-04 15:01 [Reply]
  3. Bench
    Faith :

    The WEBNX computer room seems to be the fastest responding space in America I've ever visited

    2011-08-03 03:01 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      Several computer rooms in Los Angeles are among the best.

      2011-08-03 07:08 [Reply]
  4. The porridge is really good 😉

    2011-08-02 12:05 [Reply]


 hostyun  locvps
