How about LOCVPS? LOCVPS Hong Kong Tai Po VPS simple test « Zhao Rong Tribe

How about LOCVPS? LOCVPS Hong Kong Tai Po VPS simple test

Time: April 6, 2024 Column: VPS evaluation Author: Zhao Rong Click: 387 times

 Proprietary computer room/advanced anti DDoS server/advanced anti DDoS VPS/American advanced anti DDoS/Los Angeles VPS/Los Angeles advanced anti DDoS server

Last month we LOCVPS Kwai Wan, Hong Kong VPS has carried out a simple test. This is also the famous Hong Kong node of locvps, with large bandwidth and direct connection to three networks. This month, let's take a look at the second brand of merchants in Hong Kong Tai Po, Hong Kong VPS host. Locvps has been established for a long time. There are many optional VPS nodes. In terms of lines, it is also optimized or directly connected to mainland China. It is a good choice for personal/enterprise website building, remote office and other businesses. It is tested today Hong Kong VPS In terms of the line, the CTG+BGP hybrid access is optimized for the mainland of China. You can choose to limit the bandwidth or limit the flow of the package. After using the 20% discount code, the minimum is 29.6 yuan/month.

Official website:

Package information

First visit the official website to register an account, then log in to the member center, click [Buy new products and services] - [Buy kvm virtual machine] on the left - select the header[ Tai Po, Hong Kong #1 (BGP+CTG/signboard)]

framework CPU Memory Hard disk bandwidth Price purchase
Single core 4GB 40GB 200GB/10Mbps 33.6 yuan/month Click to buy
Single core 1GB 30GB 100GB/10Mbps 29.6 yuan/month Click to buy
Single core 2GB 40GB 150GB/10Mbps 36 yuan/month Click to buy
Dual core 4GB 60GB 200GB/10Mbps 52 yuan/month Click to buy
Single core 1GB 30GB 1Mbps 29.6 yuan/month Click to buy
Single core 2GB 40GB 2Mbps 36 yuan/month Click to buy
Dual core 4GB 60GB 3Mbps 52 yuan/month Click to buy

***Please note the use of discount codes: two thousand and twenty-four ***

Host configuration

From the perspective of saving money, this time we started the minimum configuration package, single core CPU (E5-2696v3)+1GB memory+30GB hard disk, 10M peak bandwidth. In both tests, there was no upgrade of bbr, etc. The installed operating system was Centos 7.9 pure system, and after using the discount code, it was 29.6 yuan/month. (In fact, after I bought it, I found that if I used it for myself, I would buy the first item of the table Special seckill package It is more cost-effective, the cost is not increased much, and the configuration is much higher)


Basic test

CPU/memory/disk IO test

The following is the basic test information of Fusion Monster, including CPU, memory and disk DD/fio test information


Another speedtest IO Test result


Bandwidth test

Next is the bandwidth test, which reflects the real bandwidth status through multiple one click packets.


The following is the test information of speedtest Asia node.


The following is mainly the speed measurement information of various places in China.


I put a 1000MB file in the VPS, and the local Chengdu Telecom directly downloaded it through a single thread browser, which is very intuitive.

 How about LOCVPS? LOCVPS Hong Kong Tai Po VPS simple test

Conclusion: The bandwidth of the host I bought is 10M peak. According to various test tools, the uplink bandwidth of 10M is basically full, and the downlink bandwidth is not actually limited to 10M, about 40+M.

Routing test

China Telecom's domestic backbone network directly connects Hong Kong Telecom to the computer room


China Unicom to Hong Kong


Move through CMI direct connection


Return route test

The KOS tool box one click test shows that there is a little difference between the south and the north of China Telecom. Generally, it is China Telecom CN2 backhaul, China Mobile CMI, and China Unicom 169 backhaul.


The specific tracert information of the three networks is posted here

 Test the regions and lines that Telecom/Unicom/China Mobile pass through in turn. The core program is from or nexttrace ---------------------------------------------- Guangzhou Telecom 0.52 ms AS6134 China, Hong Kong, 0.60 ms AS6134 China, Hong Kong, 2.80 ms * LAN 1.99 ms * China, Hong Kong, 2.83 ms * China, Hong Kong,,  telecom 6.11 ms * China, Guangdong, Guangzhou,,  telecom 10.41 ms * Guangzhou, Guangdong, China,,  telecom 15.78 ms * Shenzhen, Guangdong, China,,  telecom 11.83 ms AS4134 Shenzhen, Guangdong, China,,  telecom ---------------------------------------------- Guangzhou Unicom 0.35 ms AS6134 China, Hong Kong, 0.53 ms AS6134 China, Hong Kong, 2.49 ms * LAN 4.16 ms AS10099 China, Hong Kong,, China Unicom 4.40 ms AS10099 China, Hong Kong,, China Unicom 2.67 ms AS10099 China, Hong Kong,, China Unicom 4.85 ms AS10099 China, Hong Kong,, China Unicom 8.38 ms AS10099 China, Hong Kong,, China Unicom 9.79 ms AS4837 China, Guangdong, Guangzhou,, China Unicom 16.12 ms AS4837 China, Guangdong, Guangzhou,, China Unicom 15.38 ms AS17816 China, Guangdong, Shenzhen,, China Unicom 18.89 ms AS17623 China, Guangdong, Shenzhen,, China Unicom 11.86 ms AS17623 China, Guangdong, Shenzhen,, China Unicom ---------------------------------------------- Guangzhou Mobile 0.64 ms AS6134 China, Hong Kong, 0.65 ms AS6134 China, Hong Kong, 12.18 ms * LAN 2.79 ms * China, Hong Kong, 2.70 ms AS58453 China, Hong Kong,, Mobile 8.63 ms AS58453 China, Guangdong, Guangzhou,, Mobile 9.74 ms AS9808 China, Guangdong, Guangzhou,, China Mobile 9.77 ms AS9808 China, Guangdong, Guangzhou,, China Mobile 11.96 ms AS9808 China, Guangdong, Guangzhou,, China Mobile 13.72 ms AS9808 China, Guangdong, Guangzhou,, China Mobile 13.22 ms AS56040 China, Guangdong, Shenzhen,, China Mobile

Delay test

Hong Kong VPS As long as it is not an international line, there is nothing to say about the delay of. The Hong Kong Tai Po VPS of locvps itself is a direct connection line to the domestic three networks, so here we have selected 326 node test screenshots from mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.


Tested last month Kwai Wan, Hong Kong VPS comparison, each has its own advantages. The domestic access in terms of lines is very good. It is recommended to choose Kuiwan with higher bandwidth requirements, and Dapu with lower delay! Don't forget to use LOCVPS discount code 20% off.

 Advanced Defense VPS/Los Angeles Advanced Defense/Advanced Defense Server/20 year old computer room

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About using: This website mainly shares server and VPS information, and does not provide any product sales or purchase. All visitors please purchase and use products within the scope of national laws and regulations. QQ group discussion: 683851361
About safety: Any IDC has the possibility of going bankrupt and running away. The host line is even more uncontrollable. Monthly payment and backup are your best choices. Please keep good and regular backup habits

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