Friendhosting: 75% off for the whole audience, and the VPS of 11 data centers will pay 12 euros for half a year

Friendhosting: 75% off for the whole audience, and the VPS of 11 data centers will pay 12 euros half a year

Time: July 30, 2023 Column: VPS discount trends Author: Zhao Rong Click: 722 times

 Proprietary computer room/advanced anti DDoS server/advanced anti DDoS VPS/American advanced anti DDoS/Los Angeles VPS/Los Angeles advanced anti DDoS server

Friendhosting The promotion of SysAdmin Day Sale was sent. From now on to September 8, 2023, all packages of Progressive SSD VDS, Storage HDD VDS, Virtual Hosts, etc. will be provided with a down payment discount of 75%. After the discount, the minimum VPS half yearly payment will only start at 12 euros. Friendhosting, a Bulgarian host company, was founded in April 2009. The company provides VPS and independent server rental services. The website can be in English/Chinese. At present, the data center can select 11 regional computer rooms in Los Angeles, New Jersey, Bulgaria, Ukraine, the Netherlands, Latvia, the Czech Republic and Poland.

 Friendhosting: 75% off for the whole audience, and from 12 euros for the VPS of 11 data centers half a year

Some package configuration information is listed below, and the following is the original price.

Package framework CPU Memory Hard disk flow Price
Micro Single core 512MB 5GB Unlimited € 2.99/month
Start Single core 1GB 10GB Unlimited € 4.49/month
Plus Dual core 2GB 20GB Unlimited € 8.49/month
Profi Quad core 4GB 35GB Unlimited € 17.25/month
Discount code: saday23
Test information
United States (Los Angeles)
United States (Miami)
Czech Republic
Please note that the merchant discount is the down payment discount (non permanent, original renewal price), so the longer the initial payment cycle is, the more cost-effective it will be. Old users can also automatically get 3% - 25% different discounts if they renew, which will be automatically discounted according to the duration of renewal. The merchant's VDS host implements the speed limit policy, and the amount of high-speed traffic depends on the package. For example, the minimum configuration provides 1TB of high-speed traffic every month, and the speed is limited to 25Mbps after exceeding the speed limit, and the normal access will not be stopped.

 Advanced Defense VPS/Los Angeles Advanced Defense/Advanced Defense Server/20 year old computer room

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About using: This website mainly shares server and VPS information, and does not provide any product sales or purchase. All visitors please purchase and use products within the scope of national laws and regulations. QQ group discussion: 683851361
About safety: Any IDC has the possibility of going bankrupt and running away. The host line is even more uncontrollable. Monthly payment and backup are your best choices. Please keep good and regular backup habits

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