Linux common command find records "Zhaorong Tribe"

Linux common command find record

Time: October 13, 2022 Column: VPS Tutorial Author: Zhao Rong Click: 1007 times

 Self operated machine room/advanced anti DDoS server/advanced anti DDoS VPS/American advanced anti DDoS/Los Angeles VPS/Los Angeles advanced anti DDoS server

The tribe recorded once in 2013 Find command The reason for this is that I found that a station was invaded and changed a lot of files Find command To find the files that have been modified in a certain period of time, so they can be picked up again for reference next time.


Find a file by file name

For example, we want to find a file in the system. The file name is a.php

 find / -name a.php

The above/indicates the directory. If you know the directory, you can write to it to make the range smaller

Find files by incomplete file names

We can also find files by incomplete names. For example, we want to find all php files in the system, or know some two letters in the name of the php file.

 Find/- name *. php # Find all php files Find/- name wp *. php # Find the php file whose file name starts with wp

Find by file characteristics

Here we take the file size search as an example, especially when we need to find large files

 Find/- size 1500c # Find files with the size of 1500bytes Find/- size+1500c # Find files larger than 1500bytes Find/- size - 500c - size+50c # Find files larger than 50bytes but smaller than 500bytes

Find in other ways

For example, through time, through modification time, etc

 Find/- amin - 10 # Find files accessed in the last 10 minutes in the system Find/- time - 2 # Find files accessed in the last 48 hours in the system Find/- empty # Find files or folders that are empty in the system Find/- group cat # Find files belonging to group cat in the system Find/- mmin - 5 # Find files modified in the last five minutes in the system Find/- mtime - 1 # Find files modified in the last 24 hours in the system Find/- nouser # Find files belonging to obsolete users in the system Find/- user fred # Find files belonging to the FRED user in the system Find/- mtime+3 # Find files changed 3 days ago Find/- name '*. php' - mtime - 3 # Find php files that have been changed within 3 days Find/- name 'wp *' - mtime 0 # Find files beginning with wp that have been modified within 24 hours
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