Virtual min/Webmin tutorial of Linux VPS installation Zhao Rong Tribe

Virtual min/Webmin Tutorial for Linux VPS Installation

Time: April 7, 2011 Column: Program source code Author: Zhao Rong Click: 20833 times

 Proprietary computer room/advanced anti DDoS server/advanced anti DDoS VPS/American advanced anti DDoS/Los Angeles VPS/Los Angeles advanced anti DDoS server

For a long time, on VPS, except for lnmp, Kloxo, also tried the D version of DA, even CP, but failed (the specific reason is unknown). Today, I saw that David's friend mentioned in his message Virtualmin/Webmin The system cannot help but feel excited, so try it and share the process with everyone.

Little knowledge

What is webmin? Webmin is a powerful unix server terminal management system. Instead of using ssh to connect terminal operations and tap commands, a web interface and mouse operation can manage unix servers, including Linux.

What is Virtualmin? It is a virtual host management system module of webmin. Virtualmin can manage common services such as web, ftp, mysql, mail, etc., including a series of operations such as creating, modifying, and deleting,.

Install Virtualmin/Webmin

First, let's open PUTTY (this is an example, and other software can also log in as root).

wget (Download the installation script)

Chmod+x (change permissions)

./ (run the installation script)

Enter the above three lines of commands to start the installation. The installation is fast. I use the free 256MB VPS (the last time I applied, the system was Centos 5.5 64 bit) within 10 minutes.

Other methods

The above method is to install directly from the official downloaded installation package. Below, there is a one click installation package provided by netizens. With only one command, you can complete the following functions:

1. Installed webmin+virtualmin

2. Installed the rar file decompression software

3. Installed zend optimizer software (many domestic php programs need it)

4. Unrar decompression software is installed to facilitate the habit that most people in China like to use rar to compress files.

5. Modify the time zone to Shanghai, China, so that foreign vps customers do not need to set another time zone.

wget ; sh ./;

I installed it with the official installation package. You can also try the above command.

Log in to Virtualmin/Webmin

After installation, we use https://ip:10000 Or https://domain name: 10000 (https). The user name is root and the password is root.


As for Virtualmin/Webmin, it is my first time to use it, and it is currently being tested. The Virtualmin/Webmin background comes with Chinese language support. The following is a screenshot of the language change (webmin -- Change Language and Theme)



If you are familiar with the general operation of the background, I will share it with you as soon as possible. Look forward to it~

 Advanced Defense VPS/Los Angeles Advanced Defense/Advanced Defense Server/20 year old computer room

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Tutorial of installing Virtualmin/Webmin on Linux VPS: 19 messages at present

  1. 8th floor
    kubest :

    The created domain name always displays 403!
    You don’t have permission to access / on this server.
    What's the problem?
    The domain name created under the LNMPA pure service package is also 403!!

    2015-11-19 22:35 [Reply]
  2. 7th floor
    Flow :

    Eh,, is the blogger a sister?

    I looked for a Chinese language pack. I only saw the beginning of C, but I didn't think there was a Chinese language pack

    2015-06-09 11:12 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      This panel is powerful, but not very easy to use.

      2015-06-09 11:20 [Reply]
      • Flow :

        Similar to lnmp, some people are used to tapping vi, and some people are used to clicking the mouse. My requirement is that you can log in and manage by mobile phone when not in front of the computer

        2015-06-09 11:52 [Reply]
  3. 6th floor
    gxsh :

    I used the webmin panel installed by the VPS of InterServer. I didn't know what was going on. At first, I was able to enter the login page. In a few days, I couldn't enter the login page. What was going on when the page couldn't be displayed? I could enter the page only by writing IP without adding 10000 at the end. As long as I wrote 10000 at the end, I couldn't enter the page. Please tell me what was going on

    2013-11-12 18:23 [Reply]
  4. 5F
    Plus :

    Sister Rong, can the php on webmin panel be upgraded? 😛

    2013-04-03 17:23 [Reply]
  5. 4th floor
    Plus :

    Sister Rong, Centos 6.4 and other versions can't install Virtualmin/Webmin???
    If not, what should we do?

    2013-04-02 16:11 [Reply]
  6. floor
    whq :

    The virtual server is created and the domain name is bound. Accessible domain name prompt: Congratulations, the installation of LNMP one click installation package is successful!
    Ask for advice.

    2012-05-08 16:01 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      I haven't used this panel for a long time. Do you access the panel to get the default page? Try restarting it?

      2012-05-08 16:02 [Reply]
      • Vps has been struggling for two days, and even a website has not been built. It's a failure! 😮

        2012-05-08 16:12 [Reply]
        • Zhao Rong :

          Install lnmp, quick!

          2012-05-08 16:18 [Reply]
          • After installing the lnmp one click installation package, I still don't know how to build a website after installing it. I don't understand Linux.

            2012-05-08 16:20 [Reply]
      • Riding a cat to fight a mouse :

        It's always wandering. Is kloxo better or webmin better

        2012-10-22 14:23 [Reply]
        • Zhao Rong :

          All good. Maybe kloxo needs more people

          2012-10-22 15:15 [Reply]
        • SIGA Family :

          I think webmin is better. Its function is stronger than kloxo, and its operation is more complicated than kloxo

          2013-01-14 01:32 [Reply]
  7. I installed it in vps and wanted to update the default php 5.1 to 5.2. I found N methods on the network, but none of them worked. My system is


    2012-05-03 15:56 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      Upgrade php to a higher version through yum.

      2012-05-03 16:05 [Reply]
  8. sofa
    david :

    It was installed so quickly. Unfortunately, when I installed whmcs, I asked the ionCube PHP Loader ioncube_loader_lin_5.1. so to be installed by the site administrator. It seems that some components are missing, but it can't be fixed

    2011-04-07 13:14 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      ??? WHMCS is easy to install? Did you download my 4.4, upload it directly, and you can install everything without having to do it again

      2011-04-07 13:43 [Reply]


 hostyun  locvps
