VULTR uses DD mode to install windows 2003 Zhaorong Tribe

VULTR installs windows 2003 in DD mode

Time: November 14, 2017 Column: VPS Tutorial Author: Zhao Rong Click: 8958 times

 Proprietary computer room/advanced anti DDoS server/advanced anti DDoS VPS/American advanced anti DDoS/Los Angeles VPS/Los Angeles advanced anti DDoS server

The blog has previously shared that the direct ISO mode is used to install Windows system on the VPS host of VULTR. However, a reader has reported that the direct ISO mode is stuck in copying files. Zhao Rong tried it himself. This problem really exists. It is the same with ISO. I suggest you install Windows 2008 system. After testing, it is OK to install Windows 2008 in ISO mode. However, some readers said that the machine configuration with a monthly payment of $5 is better to run Windows 2003, which does not occupy so much. Just so, I haven't recorded the process of installing Windows in DD mode. I will record the operation by the way today.

I log in first VULTR When I opened a new Los Angeles, I chose CentOS6. *, which doesn't really matter.

As shown in the following figure, we enter the host management page, click setting, select Custom ISO on the left, select ISO Library, and mount the Arch Linux system ISO file.



The following is the situation after mounting.


After confirming that the mount is complete, click Restart Host and open the VNC interface.


As shown in the figure above, the first item can be started directly, and the following command line can be used directly. Some hosts also need to write network configuration here. VULTR is simple. If the network is OK directly, we can check the hard disk situation, and then we can know where to write it in DD.

Direct DD, command line:

 wget -O- http://*****************/windows2003.32bit.raw | dd of=/dev/vda

Remarks The system package I used for DD was also found on the network. Zhao Rong has no ability to make DD packages. Because of some ambiguity in similar content, the link I used to store DD packages was coded in this article.


After executing the DD, we patiently wait for the download and writing to be completed. After that, we can click Restart Host, or the ISO will pop up on the VPS management page.

At this time, on the VNC page, we should see that the Windows 2003 system was started. After arriving at the desktop, the system could not correctly install the network card driver. We went in to update the network card driver, set the IP address, and open the remote to use it normally.


In fact, before completing the above operations, I also tried another method, that is, mounting the CentOS system ISO to install, which would be a bit troublesome. It is not necessary to do so in VULTR, but if some machines do not have the above ISO, you can also try the following process. I will not make notes, but just take a screenshot.








Extended reading:

VULTR Registration and Purchase Tutorial:

VULTR Alipay recharge tutorial:

VULTR one button full-automatic DD mode installation of windows 2003:

VULTR Upload ISO Install Windows System Tutorial:

VULTR official website:    

 Advanced Defense VPS/Los Angeles Advanced Defense/Advanced Defense Server/20 year old computer room

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About safety: Any IDC has the possibility of going bankrupt and running away. The host line is even more uncontrollable. Monthly payment and backup are your best choices. Please keep good and regular backup habits

VULTR uses DD mode to install windows 2003: there are 17 messages at present

  1. 7th floor
    jack :

    Do you have a cheap win2008 vps?

    2019-06-12 18:28 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      Well, Win2008 requires a minimum of 1G of 2G of memory, which is too cheap. It's estimated that only those with more than $3 a month can barely use it

      2019-06-12 21:30 [Reply]
  2. 6th floor
    oop :

    I followed your method in archlinux, but I can't enter the vertical sign |. I'll leave a message for you now. This sign can be typed. But in the window of Novnc. The | symbol cannot be typed. Will become>. So there is no way to execute the order. Do you have a solution

    2018-03-24 04:58 [Reply]
    • fifty million eight hundred and ninety thousand four hundred and sixty-four :

      I can't type it either. I don't know where this article was copied from. I guess he hasn't tested it

      2018-03-31 11:55 [Reply]
      • Zhao Rong :

        Can't you, or can't you say now, draw the conclusion that my article is copied?
        Don't you find that Vultr has disabled relevant keys in vnc? Don't you find that his vnc has set<>| three keys are>
        You can insult your IQ, but don't insult my personality.

        2018-03-31 12:48 [Reply]
        • Kim Jeong-eun :

          Lao Rong, you are unreasonable now. Ha ha, there are so many people like this in the world. You can't wake up when you scold

          2018-03-31 16:07 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      I tried again just now. At present, it should be restricted by the merchant.<>| The input in his vnc is>(I tried several other vncs in addition, but this problem does not exist. Last year, when I wrote an article in dd test, Vultr was also OK). Now, I can either install 2008 through iso, or use the next key installation method in Debian, which is used by other online giants, Because he only disabled vnc, local login in debian is casual

      2018-03-31 12:50 [Reply]
      • Esc :

        Zheng Jie, I used it before the Spring Festival, but I found it was no good after the Spring Festival
        But why should Sister Rong be angry

        2018-03-31 17:30 [Reply]
  3. 5F
    Snail :

    How does the building owner copy the DD packet address to VNC? I have been unable to do so. The problem of SSH connection and firewall leads to connection failure

    2018-02-28 10:49 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      Command line input

      2018-02-28 15:22 [Reply]
  4. 4th floor
    test :

    What is the general price of American vps!

    2017-11-18 13:14 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      There is no industry standard for this thing. The host configuration is different, the number of virtual machines is different, the network lines are different, and the price of the computer room is different

      2017-11-18 17:31 [Reply]
  5. floor
    The sound of Xiao is still in the night :

    Vultr has been used for more than one year. I really don't think it is worse than other foreign vps!
    You said you would like to visit the website slowly, why not choose a domestic host? Use your toes to know that there is no comparison between foreign countries and domestic countries

    2017-11-17 21:09 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      Hehe, calm~At least it's a big company with background, right

      2017-11-17 21:32 [Reply]
  6. Bench
    tom :

    Vu japan has long been rotten.

    2017-11-17 17:13 [Reply]
  7. sofa
    spark :

    Can you give a DD packet address? This is hard to find 😕

    2017-11-16 20:25 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      There are many online search sites, such as

      2017-11-17 00:03 [Reply]


 hostyun  locvps
