SoarClouds: 49 yuan/month KVM-1GB/20GB/(flow is calculated separately)

SoarClouds: 49 yuan/month KVM-1GB/20GB/(flow is calculated separately) Hong Kong

Time: April 22, 2017 Column: VPS discount trends Author: Zhao Rong Click: 3601 times

 Proprietary computer room/advanced anti DDoS server/advanced anti DDoS VPS/American advanced anti DDoS/Los Angeles VPS/Los Angeles advanced anti DDoS server

SoarClouds ( Go up into the sky )It is a Chinese VPS service provider, providing services based on KVM Architecture products, data centers include South Korea, Los Angeles, and Hong Kong, China. The host company adopts the method of charging the traffic separately. Please note that the price of the title does not include the traffic fee. The traffic can be charged by volume, or you can buy the traffic package.

Alt="SoarClouds: 49 yuan/month KVM-1GB/20GB/(flow is calculated separately) Hong Kong" title="SoarClouds: 49 yuan/month KVM-1GB/20GB/(flow is calculated separately) Hong Kong"/>

Last time I shared Korean VPS information, this time I will take the Hong Kong computer room as an example.

CPU:1 core

Memory: 1GB

Hard disk: 20 GB

Flow: 0.8 yuan/GB outbound, 0.4 yuan/GB inbound

Virtual architecture: KVM

IP/panel: 1IIPv4/?

【Order】 Buy Link

Discount code: zrblog Test IP:

The discount code is universal for all stations, including buying traffic packages. For example, the original price is 30 yuan/150GB, and the discount code is 21 yuan, Hong Kong VPS The traffic bandwidth of is limited to 20Mbps for CN2 lines.

 Advanced Defense VPS/Los Angeles Advanced Defense/Advanced Defense Server/20 year old computer room

Statement: Blogs are only for sharing information and are not recommendations. Websites do not participate in transactions and are not intermediaries. The content only represents personal views and is not authoritative. Readers should consider it and take their own risks! Every penny and every commodity is still the eternal truth. Juvenile readers (including physical and psychological) should visit this website with their guardians! This article is written by( Zhao Rong )Original compilation, reprint, please keep the link: SoarClouds: 49 yuan/month KVM-1GB/20GB/(flow is calculated separately) Hong Kong The code is not easy, please do not copy or paste!
About using: This website mainly shares server and VPS information, and does not provide any product sales or purchase. All visitors please purchase and use products within the scope of national laws and regulations. QQ group discussion: 683851361
About safety: Any IDC has the possibility of going bankrupt and running away. The host line is even more uncontrollable. Monthly payment and backup are your best choices. Please keep good and regular backup habits

SoarClouds: 49 yuan/month KVM-1GB/20GB/(traffic is calculated separately) Hong Kong: currently there are 6 messages

  1. 4th floor
    MrLin :

    At this price and this configuration, the traffic of the HK machine room has to be charged separately. This thing really needs to be compared

    2017-04-25 09:53 [Reply]
  2. floor
    Anzai :

    Don't go to this house. At the beginning, I found a Taobao customer service of Wangjia VPS and told me that I could build a ladder to climb the *&... wall. Waiting for 3 days. At first, it blew like a bull B. He came to me and told me that the mainframe was too full to handle. You can't tell a fucking lie. His family Taobao has a lot of servers. If you don't want to, just say it directly. That's a lie. I had to wait for 3 days in vain.

    2017-04-24 15:57 [Reply]
    • An Zimu Dada :

      Hello! 😳 , I helped you understand with Taobao customer service. Please understand our "white lie". The customer service has "hinted" you for many times and can build it. It is no problem if you build it yourself. The relevant regulations are too strict, not because we are too incompetent, but because some things cannot be too direct. I thought you could understand the hint and failed to refuse you on the spot, making you wait for 3 days. This is our negligence, and I apologize. 😥

      2017-04-24 19:36 [Reply]
    • Xiao Wang :

      Taobao can't say yes. If it can be finished, 24 points will be deducted, and I will be plotted by someone who asks me if I can, and then reports me. Then my five stores were closed for 7 days, 7 days, 14 days, and 7 days, and lost at least 50000 to 80000 yuan

      2017-08-30 11:33 [Reply]
  3. Bench
    boke :

    This is interesting

    2017-04-23 00:26 [Reply]
  4. sofa
    alstar :

    Traffic is really expensive.. 😥 😥

    2017-04-22 20:19 [Reply]


 hostyun  locvps
