BlueVM's latest KVM use tutorial ②: Operating system installation « Zhaorong Tribe

BlueVM's latest KVM tutorial ②: Operating system installation

Time: November 10, 2013 Column: VPS Tutorial Author: Zhao Rong Click: 16808 times

 Proprietary computer room/advanced anti DDoS server/advanced anti DDoS VPS/American advanced anti DDoS/Los Angeles VPS/Los Angeles advanced anti DDoS server

In the last article, we simply understood BlueVM Provided KVM Functions of VPS management panel( $18/year KVM (supporting windows) VPS introduction and purchase page )Zhao Rong also said that if the operating system is not installed, the VPS cannot be used. After understanding the panel, the next thing we need to do is to install the operating system for VPS.

BlueVM The Linux ISO built in the background is all the network installation version (Netinstall), and also provides Windows 2003 (Chinese and English versions), windows7 Home, windows2008, etc.

Whether installing Linux or Windows, the operation steps on the panel are: 1. Install ISO; 2. Set the startup sequence CD-ROM first; 3. Restart VPS.

The first step and the second step can be exchanged. At the same time, please set the VNC password before this and VNC can connect to VPS.

In January this year, Zhao Rong wrote a tutorial on installing Centos on KVM. In this article, I still install CentOS on the KVM provided by BlueVM, with the version of CentOS 6.4 32bit. In the screenshot above, you can see that I have placed ISO and set the startup sequence. Most of the following processes are basically the same as those in January this year, so I will only have a few screenshots. I hope you can refer to the previous articles: KVM uses VNC to install CentOS system

After restarting VPS, connect it with VNC. On the first screen, select the first one for installation and enter directly.


It is unnecessary to search the installation disk automatically. The background of BlueVM is all Netinstall, and the local is only a boot disk. Skip it.


There are several steps in the middle. The previous article has a screenshot introduction, which will not be repeated here. Go to the next step, select the system file source. We are network installation, select the URL, and then OK.


The following picture is very important. Many KVMs opened by VPS host companies directly use DHCP to obtain IP addresses, but BlueVM is not good. It has to set TCP/IP information by itself, so the default choice is not good, Configure IPv4, select Manual configuration, and set manually IPv6 I will not do it directly, and then the next step.


The following is also a key step. I specially give you all the required items without code. The first line is IP/mask: IP is the IP address given by your VPS, and the subnet mask is The second line is the gateway, which is also the most troublesome place. I thought the gateway was No. 1 in the same section, but in fact it is not. Pay special attention, The gateway is the VNC link address. Ping that address to get the IP address.


Fill in the network source address below. For example, centos can be found on, which is very simple.


The next steps are simple, similar to the steps we take to install Windows. After that, you can log in to the SSH tool and compile the LNMP environment. If you have any problems, you can give feedback here, and I will try my best to solve them.

The same steps apply to the installation of Windows. Release the response system ISO, set the startup sequence, and restart VPS. I tried Windows 2003, and it can be installed. OK, but because I can't use VPS of Windows, I finally installed CentOS

 Advanced Defense VPS/Los Angeles Advanced Defense/Advanced Defense Server/20 year old computer room

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BlueVM's latest KVM tutorial ②: Operating system installation: 47 messages at present

  1. 23rd floor
    ccuis :

    Brother Rong, I bought a $9.99 annual payment this time, but I don't know what happened. I need to input information in the installation system, but I can't input it. Why

    2014-05-31 09:25 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      If the VNC installation fails to input information, it should not be the VPS reason. Check the VNC tool or other settings.

      2014-05-31 09:29 [Reply]
  2. 22nd floor
    icook :

    How can I test the speed of each computer room?

    2013-12-05 14:55 [Reply]
  3. 21st Floor
    francklin :

    The VNC is connected in and out. The password is set. I don't know whether the VNC version is set

    2013-11-20 12:10 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      Restart the machine, and then set the password by vnc. It should not flash back. What step does vnc go to?

      2013-11-20 12:16 [Reply]
      • francklin :

        The same is true. I set the password first, and then restart the connection. VNC clicks the connection, enters the password, and then flashes back. Unfortunately, pictures cannot be uploaded here

        2013-11-20 12:45 [Reply]
  4. 20th floor
    What brand of footbath is good :

    Who has the extra $18 in Los Angeles? Ask for one!

    2013-11-18 19:29 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      Officially, but only NY...

      2013-11-18 19:46 [Reply]
  5. 19th floor
    Junhao :

    👿 👿 Sister Rong's tutorial is the most foolishness. After reading this tutorial, I have solved IQ0~~~ 💡

    2013-11-18 19:26 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      Hehe, it can't be said that some parts of people's receptivity and basic IQ are innate

      2013-11-18 19:46 [Reply]
  6. 18th floor
    dongdong :

    Sister Rong, I installed Windows 7 home, but I found that I could not access the network. I set the above method for local IP installation, but it still failed

    2013-11-15 00:08 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      The management panel has gateway and mask information. DNS uses Google's, which I set in 2003. It can access the Internet.

      2013-11-15 10:13 [Reply]
  7. Ya, the website can't be opened, but my VPS can still be used... Am I blocked here?!

    2013-11-14 08:02 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      The CDN is used by both the main station and the panel, and the two IPs of the CDN are often inaccessible in China.

      2013-11-14 08:48 [Reply]
  8. 16F
    Frustration :

    so what.. Installing old posts seems to have fewer things installed, and even the scoring software can't run

    2013-11-13 23:03 [Reply]


 hostyun  locvps
