BlueVM's latest KVM usage tutorial ①: Feathur panel uses « Zhaorong Tribe

Latest KVM usage tutorial of BlueVM ①: Feathur panel usage

Time: November 10, 2013 Column: VPS Tutorial Author: Zhao Rong Click: 22547 times

 Proprietary computer room/advanced anti DDoS server/advanced anti DDoS VPS/American advanced anti DDoS/Los Angeles VPS/Los Angeles advanced anti DDoS server

From the comments on the blog, many people have bought this BlueVM Of KVM ( Offer introduction and purchase page )However, there are also many problems in panel use and system installation. Zhao Rong had to bear it the first day, but on the 9th he couldn't help but join in the fun. Because he has a Windows system ISO in the background, in order to play more smoothly... I still bought a 1G package for $29.95... However, it is the same way as the 512M package. This time, there is really a lot of stock. It seems that there are more than 100 packages. In order to get started early, I will make a brief introduction, including two parts: VPS management panel( Feathur )Use and VPS to install the operating system.

Before the official introduction, I would like to remind you at the beginning of the article, because several friends told me that this device can't be used, pings can't be used, and SSH login can't be done. This is a mistake. After most KVM architecture VPS is launched, it is pure white without an operating system. You must install the operating system before you can use it, including pings, SSH login, and so on.


The above figure is the first interface after logging in and selecting your own VPS. The header menu can switch between general and settings. Next is the VPS status and basic function menu (start, shutdown, restart). Below is the VPS configuration information, IP information, etc. The most important thing is on the setting page, as shown below:


Part by part, the first one: VNC Password

After a friend got the VNC server address and port, he downloaded a VNC tool to link it. No, it was disconnected because the VNC password was not set. We wrote the VNC password in the box behind the New VNC Password, and then saved it. At this time, the VNC tool should be used to link it.

Second: rDNS

The function of rDNS is relatively simple. It is not an important part of our use of this KVM. When you select an IP address and fill in the address below, you will see today that the IP address you finally reach is the domain name you specified. This is somewhat forced to play (please note that rDNS may not take effect immediately).

Third: Mount Disk

This function is very important when we install the system. For example, a system CD we put in is still booted, which is related to the operating system you want to install. You can choose which ISO you want to install.

Fourth: Boot Order

It is also important to choose the startup sequence. When installing the system, we placed ISO in the previous step. This step sets the startup sequence as CD-ROM, Hard Disk (first CD-ROM drive, then hard disk). When you finish the installation, remember to set it to the opposite, and then start the system directly with the hard disk.

Fifth: Hostname

It is not important to set the host name. Even if it is set here, it can be reset after SSH login.

Sixth: Primary IP

The primary IP is set. If there is only one IP, it should be the primary IP. If there are multiple IPs, set one primary IP.

After we understand the functions of the panel, we will install a system for KVM in the next section.

This article involves tool download: VNC tool green version

 Advanced Defense VPS/Los Angeles Advanced Defense/Advanced Defense Server/20 year old computer room

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Latest KVM usage tutorial of BlueVM ①: Feathur panel usage: 27 messages at present

  1. Feathur, why doesn't it seem that I bought this panel?

    2014-01-21 23:10 [Reply]


 hostyun  locvps
