NodeServ: $15/year OpenVZ-512MB/50GB/1000GB Jacksonville Zhaorong Tribe

NodeServ: $15/year OpenVZ-512MB/50GB/1000GB Jacksonville

Time: October 16, 2013 Column: VPS discount trends Author: Zhao Rong Click: 7760 times

 Proprietary computer room/advanced anti DDoS server/advanced anti DDoS VPS/American advanced anti DDoS/Los Angeles VPS/Los Angeles advanced anti DDoS server

NodeServ It is a new foreign VPS host company (established in August this year), which provides OpenVZ VPS products of architecture, data center in Florida Jacksonville The host company also takes the low price route. Zhao Rong Tribe also shared the monthly package of $1.4 in September, and his annual package price is also very cheap. For example, a 512M memory package only pays $15 annually.

 NodeServ: $15/year OpenVZ-512MB/50GB/1000GB Jacksonville

Let's take a look at the configuration information of this 512M memory package.

CPU:2 cores

Memory: 512MB


Hard disk: 50GB

Monthly flow: 1000GB

1 IP/SolusVM

Test IP:

[Purchase link]

The above package also supports monthly payment, which is $2.5/month. You can also choose to pay monthly if the hosting company has a shady opening time. The annual price of the 256M package is also good, which is $11. The host company supports PayPal payment, and the price of additional independent IP is 0.75 dollars/piece.

 Advanced Defense VPS/Los Angeles Advanced Defense/Advanced Defense Server/20 year old computer room

Statement: Blogs are only for sharing information and are not recommendations. Websites do not participate in transactions and are not intermediaries. The content only represents personal views and is not authoritative. Readers should consider it and take their own risks! Every penny and every commodity is still the eternal truth. Juvenile readers (including physical and psychological) should visit this website with their guardians! This article is written by( Zhao Rong )Original compilation, reprint, please keep the link: NodeServ: $15/year OpenVZ-512MB/50GB/1000GB Jacksonville The code is not easy, please do not copy or paste!
About using: This website mainly shares server and VPS information, and does not provide any product sales or purchase. All visitors please purchase and use products within the scope of national laws and regulations. QQ group discussion: 683851361
About safety: Any IDC has the possibility of going bankrupt and running away. The host line is even more uncontrollable. Monthly payment and backup are your best choices. Please keep good and regular backup habits

NodeServ: $15/year OpenVZ-512MB/50GB/1000GB Jacksonville: 23 messages at present

  1. 12th floor
    Jade-G :


    Is it giving any errors?

    Does it give you any mistakes?

    Hello Peter

    It seems to be the problem. What do you have? Please let me know, so I can solve it for you. We are here for all our customers.

    If your payment has been rejected, it is due to being connected to an agent or V * * * P * * * N when ordering. Please use real information instead of V * * * P * * * N.

    2013-10-19 07:17 [Reply]
  2. 11th floor
    Jade-G :


    What issues do you seem to be facing?

    Hello Peter,

    What seems to be the issue you are having? Please let me know so I can fix it for you. We’re here for all of our clients

    It seems to be the problem. What do you have? Please let me know, so I can solve it for you. We are here for all our customers.


    If your payment has been denied, it is due to being connected to a proxy or vpn while ordering. Please order not using a VPN and with real information.

    If your payment has been rejected, it is due to be connected to an agent or VPN when ordering. Please use real information instead of VPN.

    2013-10-19 07:05 [Reply]
    • freespy :

      Manually set the relevant contents of iptables, and v * * p * * n is normal.

      2013-10-19 12:11 [Reply]
  3. 10th floor
    peter :

    The payment of $15 a year was made two days ago, but it was blacklisted when it landed again today. Junk nodeserv. Give me 15 dollars back.

    2013-10-19 05:41 [Reply]
  4. 9th floor
    ns :


    1. Only 1 CPU

    2. The package installed on the template has slight egg pain
    Additional Development
    CIFS file server
    Console internet tools
    Desktop Platform
    Directory Client
    Directory Server
    E-mail server
    Graphical Administration Tools
    Legacy UNIX compatibility
    Network Infrastructure Server
    Network file system client
    Networking Tools
    Perl Support
    SNMP Support
    System administration tools

    3. Install LNMP for 34 minutes, and use ramnode for 21 minutes at least.

    4. Please continue to recommend VPS for large hard disks with less than 15 blades. Thank you.

    2013-10-18 14:04 [Reply]
    • freespy :

      Cat/proc/cpuinfo sees two cores

      Openvpn service is installed and can be connected, but the client cannot access the Internet.

      2013-10-18 17:34 [Reply]
  5. 8th floor
    Jade-G :

    This is also two cores instead of one:)

    It is also 2 cores, not 1 core 🙂

    2013-10-17 09:22 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      Has been modified.

      2013-10-17 09:45 [Reply]
  6. 7th floor
    Jade-G :


    Sorry for the confusion, this is a wrong word topic. It is the coming years, and will let you know that the bandwidth of 1000 GB is not 500 GB.

    Please let us know if anyone has any questions!


    Sorry for the confusion it was a typo in the topic, it is infact 1000 GB Bandwidth and not 500 GB.

    Please if anyone has any questions please let us know!

    2013-10-17 09:15 [Reply]
  7. 6th floor
    freespy :

    Just started one. There is an entry-level question. How can I access the ssh service of vps through putty?
    Through SolusVM, you can see that everything is normal, but you cannot ssh access. It can be accessed through the Serial Console, but there is no network card found. There is only one lo, and the external network cannot be accessed in Linux.
    sorry, Novice solve.

    2013-10-16 17:49 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      2013-10-16 18:06 [Reply]
      • freespy :

        I will use putty. When the connection fails, the serial console logs in and finds that there is no network card.

        2013-10-16 18:45 [Reply]
        • freespy :

          After a long time of trouble, their server had a bug, and they didn't assign me a network card.
          In addition, the traffic does show 500GB, but it changed to 1000GB after the ticket was issued.

          2013-10-17 08:01 [Reply]
  8. Click to find that there is only one core. And the connection you gave was 1T instead of 500G, which is inconsistent with your blog.
    The configuration in the article should be paid by another $18 a year

    2013-10-16 10:29 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      Well, I have modified the number of cores, but I still choose less traffic rather than more traffic. It is they who write blindly in WHT. I am dizzy:

      ► Dedicated RAM: 512 MB
      ► vSwap: 512 MB
      ► Disk Space: 50 GB
      ► Bandwidth: 500 GB
      ► Cores: 2
      ► IP Addresses: 1 (additional IPs available at .75 cents each.)

      Yearly: $15.00 / year
      Monthly: $2.50 / month

      2013-10-16 12:03 [Reply]
  9. 4th floor
    ifee :

    Already purchased. Try the effect of vnc accessing xfce4.

    2013-10-16 09:37 [Reply]
  10. floor
    Nicky :

    I saw it was from Florida

    2013-10-16 09:16 [Reply]
  11. Bench
    Small 6 :

    Hard disk is the highlight! Can consider but I have two!

    2013-10-16 07:28 [Reply]
  12. sofa
    Oblivion :

    This is good. The 512 is only $15, and the hard disk is also given a large amount, but it should be seriously oversold

    2013-10-16 00:09 [Reply]
    • I think the super large memory hen is more terrible than the oversold one. I saw a hen with 384G memory yesterday and was scared to urinate

      2013-10-16 10:46 [Reply]


 hostyun  locvps
