Linode: $20/month XEN-1GB/24GB/2TB Zhaorong Tribe in Japan

Linode: $20/month XEN-1GB/24GB/2TB Japan

Time: July 4, 2013 Column: VPS discount trends Author: Zhao Rong Click: 6928 times

 Proprietary computer room/advanced anti DDoS server/advanced anti DDoS VPS/American advanced anti DDoS/Los Angeles VPS/Los Angeles advanced anti DDoS server

A lot of things have happened recently, and many friends' messages have mentioned the word "boutique". As a blogger, first of all, from the perspective of personal authority, I am not qualified to brand products as boutique products. Just like the previous personal definition that an overseas IDC is at risk of being criticized, it is a matter of no credibility. Therefore, it is difficult to write only boutique products at the request of readers, but I may repeat the same as many times as possible linode This article is also based on my personal definition. After all, most people say that he is quite reliable as a foreign VPS host. Now let's start the topic of this article.

 Linode: $20/month XEN-1GB/24GB/2TB Japan

The products provided by Linode include multiple data centers. Most Chinese users pay attention to and buy from Japan and the United States Fremont After several adjustments, the current Linode is undoubtedly not exclusive to Gao Shuaifu. For example, the lowest model has become more cost-effective after multiple upgrades.

CPU:8 cores

Memory: 1024MB

SWAP: Custom

Hard disk: 24 GB

Monthly traffic: 2000GB

1 IP/Linode Manager

Test IP: (Tokyo, Japan) Fremont )
Click to go to the official website of vps host business →

VPS products provided by Linode are based on XEN The architecture is known for its stability. The customer service work order response is also very fast. The management panel function developed by myself is comprehensive and easy to use. The above model is 20 dollars a month, which is equivalent to more than 120 yuan Japan VPS It's really not expensive. Do you think that many xen1024 packages in the United States are nearly 100 yuan? More importantly, I'm cheap again: linode should be considered as a masterpiece and reliable!

 Advanced Defense VPS/Los Angeles Advanced Defense/Advanced Defense Server/20 year old computer room

Statement: Blogs are only for sharing information and are not recommendations. Websites do not participate in transactions and are not intermediaries. The content only represents personal views and is not authoritative. Readers should consider it and take their own risks! Every penny and every commodity is still the eternal truth. Juvenile readers (including physical and psychological) should visit this website with their guardians! This article is written by( Zhao Rong )Original compilation, reprint, please keep the link: Linode: $20/month XEN-1GB/24GB/2TB Japan The code is not easy, please do not copy or paste!
About using: This website mainly shares server and VPS information, and does not provide any product sales or purchase. All visitors please purchase and use products within the scope of national laws and regulations. QQ group discussion: 683851361
About safety: Any IDC has the possibility of going bankrupt and running away. The host line is even more uncontrollable. Monthly payment and backup are your best choices. Please keep good and regular backup habits

Linode: $20/month XEN-1GB/24GB/2TB Japan: 16 messages at present

  1. 10th floor
    Cao Sheng :

    JD doesn't think Fremont is as good as CA

    2013-07-06 22:36 [Reply]
  2. I use Alibaba Cloud, and feel that the quality is good, and the cost performance is good

    2013-07-05 13:18 [Reply]
  3. 8th floor
    Little :

    Rongge, can linode resist D?
    Please recommend some DDOS resistant VPS or servers. 3Q

    2013-07-05 09:27 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      This requirement is not only professional at home, but also boastful at abroad. The practical ability is not strong

      2013-07-05 09:50 [Reply]
  4. 7th floor
    Es leading edge :

    The hard disk is still too small

    2013-07-05 07:51 [Reply]
  5. 6th floor
    exexue :

    With low-key support. Twenty dollars is still unaffordable. Ten dollars is also a consideration.

    2013-07-04 21:23 [Reply]
  6. 5F
    star :

    Shanghai Telecom pinged Tokyo, Japan stably at 400-500, pinging Fremont request timeout

    2013-07-04 21:02 [Reply]
    • The Happy Life of the Second Force Youth :

      You don't know how bad your broadband is. If you have nothing to do with super ping, you can watch it yourself. Brother Rong often said that standing is not for yourself. If you do it for yourself, it would be better to build an environment for yourself.

      2013-07-05 05:43 [Reply]
  7. 4th floor
    xiaoyu :

    What is the bandwidth of Linode?

    2013-07-04 12:56 [Reply]
    • Basically, it's OK to run 20-30Mb at random. One of my proxy servers has a peak value of over 60Mb+(Japanese line). The bandwidth is very abundant, especially after the upgrade at the beginning of the year, and every place is a Linde self built machine room... 2T traffic in the 1G scheme can be counted as inflow and outflow, not inflow... (The blogger is suggested to make it clear that this is very generous, and Du Fu in other machine rooms is only 3-4T)

      2013-07-04 23:50 [Reply]
  8. floor
    vpser :

    Unfortunately, only credit cards can be used

    2013-07-04 09:29 [Reply]
  9. ha-ha! Now, linode is really not expensive! You can go to linode on a stable website!

    2013-07-04 08:57 [Reply]
    • Zhao Rong :

      Well, although the price hasn't dropped, the configuration has been upgraded a lot

      2013-07-04 08:58 [Reply]
  10. sofa
    AdminFM :

    Alibaba Cloud is the real loser~Filing is not troublesome now

    2013-07-04 08:55 [Reply]
    • When will the domestic vps reach the foreign price

      2013-07-04 12:35 [Reply]
    • Domestic loans are too small, and 5M bandwidth is quite expensive, although it is exclusive

      2013-07-04 16:27 [Reply]


 hostyun  locvps
