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The "black account" is parasitic and self fattening, and must be resolutely eliminated!

Release time: June 17, 2024 15:11 Share to:

The National Cyberspace Office recently exposed a number of typical cases, revealing the dark curtain of some online account parasitic enterprises and self fattening.

These network "black accounts", like parasites, are specifically targeted at enterprises. Some collect "fire fighting fees" by spreading false information of enterprises; Some unscramble enterprise data maliciously and coerce cooperation; Some are under the banner of professional evaluation, while paying is touting, and not giving is suppressing... All these are different.

It is our duty to create and protect a good network ecological environment. Some We Media "black account" parasitic enterprises deliberately damage the interests of enterprises, pollute the network environment, violate public order and good customs, touch the bottom line of the law, and must be severely punished.

"Black account" parasitic enterprises, ugly appearance, can be called various.

Some "black accounts", disguised as "third parties", selectively release information under the guise of public opinion supervision and scientific evaluation, which infringes the rights and interests of enterprises.

For example, "Mavericks Talk about Cars" packaged itself as a professional auto evaluation blogger, published short videos for many times to attract eyeballs and traffic, distorted and fabricated facts, and was dubbed "pheasant test" by netizens.

The evil act of "Mavericks talk about cars" has caused many car companies to sue. The account holder Gu Moumou was judged by the court to deliberately distort and fabricate facts, infringing the reputation of related enterprises, and asked to publish an apology statement to compensate for economic losses.

Some "black accounts" are simple and rude, and they are unscrupulous in trying to get at the hot spots of enterprises.

For example, the "Mozi Commercial Theory" recently reported by the National Cyberspace Office maliciously interpreted an enterprise's equity structure and product packaging pattern, which seriously damaged the enterprise's image; The "odd and even faction" has a negative interpretation of a company's annual financial report, and then coerces the enterprise to sign a business cooperation agreement; "Acorn Business Review" speculates on the hot spots of enterprises, discredits and attacks enterprises

Some "black accounts" are even worse, even fabricating false information, or simply spreading enterprise rumors. Some even become "thugs" of enterprises, who attack and slander competitors for others.

All kinds of behaviors of "black account" are inseparable from "money". Whether it's spreading false information, broadcasting threatening articles, or splicing "shady stories" and fabricating "high-tech lies" with AI, it will finally point to the word "money": the real purpose is that the account subject contacts the enterprise to ask for money.

"Black accounts" do evil, but many enterprises feel powerless and difficult to deal with. Some netizens described "black accounts" as parasites parasitic on enterprises, which are annoying and helpless.

Generally, after the information about enterprise infringement is collected, someone will take these negative information to ask for "hush up fees" from the enterprise. If the enterprise does not comply, the information will be released whether it is true or not, and even added to the public opinion, forcing the enterprise to contact to delete the post and ask for the so-called "service fee".

Many of the enterprises parasitic on "black accounts" are small, medium-sized and micro enterprises, and there are no special departments and resources to deal with negative public opinion. Some enterprises lack experience in dealing with public opinion. Considering the cumbersome process of rights protection, they know that the other party is discredited, but in order to appease people, they often spend money to eliminate disasters.

There are also some enterprises protecting their rights according to law, but the progress is not smooth. Some business owners frankly said that when the other party asked for money, they all took "commercial cooperation" as the cloak, which seemed reasonable and legal, and did not go against "extortion". Even if they report to the relevant departments, it is often difficult to follow up the follow-up treatment because of the difficulty in obtaining evidence and determining the consequences of damage.

The impact of "black account" and "back stabbing" enterprises is obvious: some enterprises' brand reputation has been affected, and it is difficult to secure production and operation; Some enterprises' products are unsalable, and the good development momentum is interrupted by nothing; More enterprises have never been able to recover, and have been unable to recover for many years.

Enterprises are not allowed to "black account" parasitic blood sucking.

It is of great significance to crack down on parasitic enterprises with "black accounts" and purify the business environment to stimulate market vitality and promote the development and growth of various market entities.

Last year, the Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy clearly proposed to "cultivate an environment of public opinion that respects the innovation and entrepreneurship of the private economy".

In recent years, the national network information department has also issued relevant documents to clarify the types of enterprise related network infringement information, and has continuously made great efforts to carry out governance, demonstrating the firm determination to crack down on "black accounts" of enterprises, and reflecting a clear attitude to protect the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises and entrepreneurs.

It is an important part of building a clean and healthy public opinion environment conducive to the healthy development of enterprises to stop the "black account" parasitic self enrichment and damage the network ecology.

It is necessary to further consolidate the main responsibility of the website platform to rectify the "black account". Strengthen the management of key links such as hot search lists, establish and improve the department cooperation mechanism, improve the mechanism for accepting and handling reports, and reduce the cost of enterprise rights protection.

Relevant departments should also continue to carry out in-depth rectification of illegal information and behaviors involving enterprises, and severely crack down on extortion and other illegal behaviors with negative public opinion as a threat according to law. As for the "black account" related evil behaviors, once found, once investigated and dealt with, the situation of high pressure has always been maintained.

Of course, we should not be afraid of being blackmailed, and the enterprise should also walk in a proper way, and do business in good faith. Once "parasites" are found, we should dare to take up legal weapons to actively safeguard our rights, and never compromise or even bow to cooperate with "black accounts".

(Source: "Netcom Zhejiang")
