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Title party, deal with!

Release time: 09:36, June 4, 2024 Share to:

May 30th

Published by WeChat public platform operation center

Public Account Content Specification Series|

Norms on the Title Party Issue

full text reads as follows

Recently, the platform found that the article titles published by some operators are confusing, provocative or exaggerated, which is likely to lead users to misjudge the article content and affect their reading experience.

The article title is the primary basis for users to identify the content of the article. The platform recommends that operators use more accurate, clear titles that can reflect the theme of the article content when creating content. The platform will also continue to patrol, and once illegal content is found, it will be handled according to the specific degree of violation.

The specific types of violations include but are not limited to:

Confusing official classes

one The unofficial notice or government announcement, but the tone, wording, format and content of the title are highly similar to the official notice;

two Use well-known media/governments/institutions as gimmicks to hide their key information and mislead users, so as to obtain traffic.

Incitement and demagogue

one The title exaggerates the severity, urgency and impact of the incident without any basis by using provocative tone;

two Emphasize the special source of the event, delete it after reading, and induce users to click;

three Contents that endanger personal safety, intimidate, insult and frighten people;

four Guided by gender related social events, the article deliberately highlights "sex related" words or creates contradictions, sets suspense, and induces users to click to view;

five Quote the current political content from non authoritative sources, deliberately misinterpret, and then guide the opposition and intensify the contradiction.

Life&health care&common sense exaggeration and misleading

one The title exaggerates the harm/benefit of a certain type of substance or behavior by means of absolutization, intimidation, partial generalization, etc., and incites users to want/not to do something;

two Fabricate, fabricate and publish anecdotes that go against common sense of life.

Negative misleading of public figures

one The expression of the title related to the celebrity star's negative information is ambiguous and misleading;

two The social hot spots and the title cover do not give clear information about specific characters, which causes confusion with other public figures of the same name.


one The title uses spaces, obscure characters, martian characters, special symbols/punctuation, etc. to bypass, evade, and oppose the supervision of content review rules; Or meaningless content whose title is a single number/letter/symbol;

two The title content and cover are in the form of unread message prompt/false video play key pictures to induce users to click to view.

All public account operators are requested to abide by the platform specifications, avoid using incitement, exaggeration, official imitation and other ways to attract users to click, and work with the platform to create a healthy and orderly content ecology.

(Source: "Webtrust Wenzhou")
