Team member
Applicable to enterprises/advertising design companies
Team version commercial member

Select 260+member fonts for commercial use

Multiple authorized use scenarios are covered online and offline

Permanent authorization to use font design works during membership

The authorized subject is an enterprise, which supports multi account management

Membership fees as low as two hundred and forty RMB/person/year

Open team members
Personal member
For freelance/online designers
Personal commercial member

Select 260+member fonts for commercial use

Multiple authorized use scenarios are covered online and offline

Permanent authorization to use font design works during membership

Commercial authorized users of fonts are individuals

Membership fees as low as eighteen RMB/month

Open personal members
Team member
Applicable to enterprises/advertising design companies
Team version commercial member

Select 260+member fonts for commercial use

Multiple authorized use scenarios are covered online and offline

Permanent authorization to use font design works during membership

The authorized subject is an enterprise, which supports multi account management

Membership fees as low as two hundred and forty RMB/person/year

Open team members
Personal member
For freelance/online designers
Personal commercial member

Select 260+member fonts for commercial use

Multiple authorized use scenarios are covered online and offline

Permanent authorization to use font design works during membership

Commercial authorized users of fonts are individuals

Membership fees as low as eighteen RMB/month

Open personal members
Selected fonts
Latest font
See more See more
Design case
Font collection
See more See more
Separate authorization
Member authorization
Separate authorization
Member authorization
Member authorization
Separate authorization
Member authorization
Cooperative font brand
Font dynamic
See more

Support the following software to switch fonts by one button, simplifying the tedious installation process when using fonts

Support the following software to switch fonts by one button

Design software

  • Photoshop

  • lllustaror

  • CDR

  • AfterEffects

  • CAD

  • Sketch

  • InDesign

Windows system is temporarily supported

Office software

  • Keynote

  • WPS

  • PowerPoint

  • Word

We provide customized font business services for enterprises to help them improve their design beauty and brand awareness

Use word plus client to easily change thousands of fonts