2 articles in total

Label: cn2 gia advanced anti DDoS

 Tmhhost: 20% discount for Spring Festival, CN2 gia (+200g advanced defense), Softbank 100M, 200M Hong Kong BGP, Zhenjiang BGP advanced defense - foreign host evaluation

Tmhhost: 20% discount for Spring Festival, CN2 gia (+200g advanced defense), Softbank 100M, 200M Hong Kong BGP, Zhenjiang BGP advanced defense

Tmhhost's 20% discount promotion for the Spring Festival has begun: (1) VPS in Los Angeles, USA, 200G advanced defense, and cn2 gia for all three networks; (2) For the VPS of the Anchang computer room in Los Angeles, the three networks in the United States all use cn2 gia on the return trip, and the two networks use cn2+mobile direct connection on the return trip; (3) Japan Softbank line VPS, 100M bandwidth

 Tmhhost: three networks cn2 gia+200G advanced anti DDoS, 240 yuan/quarter, KVM/1G memory/1 core/20gSSD/1T traffic - foreign host evaluation

Tmhhost: three networks cn2 gia+200G advanced anti DDoS, 240 yuan/quarter, KVM/1G memory/1 core/20gSSD/1T traffic

The ddos attack has always been a headache. tmhhost has brought us a distinctive 200G ddos defense VPS. The domestic journey goes to 163 backbones, and the return journey switches to the cn2 gia network. In addition, the three networks all go to cn2 gia, which means that both 200Gbp