2 articles in total

Label: Far East Server

 Park web: Novosibirsk servers in Russia, 1Gbps exclusive bandwidth, high-speed direct connection to mainland China - foreign host evaluation

Park web: Novosibirsk server in Russia, 1Gbps exclusive bandwidth, high-speed direct connection to mainland China

Here comes Amway's old Russian host company park web, which was founded in 2006. The main reason is that park web provides an independent server (Novosibirsk data center) in the Russian Far East Novosibirsk machine room. Domestic access is high-speed, direct, and cheap. It can provide 1Gbps exclusive bandwidth at most; Perfect for your needs

 Estnoc: direct connection to Hong Kong VPS, large bandwidth, fast speed, station building

Estnoc: Direct connection to Hong Kong VPS, large bandwidth, fast speed, website construction, "indescribable" recommendation

There are fewer Hong Kong VPS with large bandwidth, and even fewer Hong Kong VPS with large bandwidth and direct connection; This article introduces the VPS of the Hong Kong computer room of estnoc: KVM virtual, pure SSD, maximum 1Gbps bandwidth, and Windows system support. Estnoc, which has been operating since 2008, operates independent servers (including hosting) in 37 data centers around the world