Xenspec: monthly payment of $1.9, 1Gbps bandwidth unlimited flow VPS, core Chicago computer room

xenspec , a mainframe company founded in 2018, mainly operates the Chicago data center business of coresite. Xenspec has virtual host and VPS (based on KVM virtualization); In particular, we should mention VPS, where servers access 10Gbps bandwidth. Each VPS gives 1Gbps bandwidth and does not limit traffic. The price is as low as $1.9 per month. This is a core machine room, which belongs to the high-end products!


Memory CPU Hard disk flow Price purchase
1G 1 core 35G unlimited $3/month link
2G 2 cores 70G unlimited $4/month link
custom custom custom unlimited $1.9/month link


Network test: fea7:10:21, https://lg.xenspec.com/1024MB.test

QQ group of this station: 812451114, contact webmaster: zhujiceping@vip.qq.com