
How to build a talent network

Dreamer Published on Reading: 4312 Miscellaneous talk on operation

       Establishment of talent network

Many people want to start a business through the Internet, but they don't know what to do. The author is also a person who has been engaged in network entrepreneurship for a long time, and accidentally learned about the entrepreneurship project of Talent Network. So I have made further understanding and research on this project, and now I share it with my partners who want to start their own businesses through Talent Network.

The so-called talent network is a network platform for talents to find jobs and various employers to recruit talents. On this platform, there are numerous and updated recruitment information of units and job hunting information of various talents. Employers can browse the resumes of job seekers in the talent pool according to professional needs, and job seekers can also search the recruitment information of employers. The two parties can freely exchange and interact on this platform, exchange what they need, take what they need, and realize the reasonable flow and allocation of talents, The regional talent network can be divided into national talent network and regional talent network. Industry division talent network can be divided into comprehensive talent network and industry talent network.

The above introduction comes from Encyclopedia https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E4%BA%BA%E6%89%8D%E7%BD%91/3076707?fr=aladdin

(We won't talk about the major recruitment giants that are already famous in this industry, which is not within the scope of this article.) It is understood that through the friends who run the talent network, the annual income of well run partners is basically more than 100000 yuan, which is easier than going to work, and the annual income of poorly run employees is also equivalent to the annual salary of ordinary workers.

Well, now that we know what a talent network is, as well as its division and benefits, we need to know how to establish such a talent network.

First, before website construction, it is necessary to confirm whether the website server is a domestic server or an overseas server. If it is a domestic server, it needs to be filed, and if it is an overseas server, it does not need to be filed.

Second, if it is necessary to confirm whether it is an individual or an enterprise filing, in general, an individual cannot do the talent website. Even if the initial filing is passed, the talent website will be required to shut down if it is later found that the website content is inconsistent with the personal content. Of course, the secondary domain name after the filing can be used to reduce the risk of closing the website, After a certain scale, it will be transferred to enterprise filing for team operation.

Third, if an individual wants to be a talent website but does not want to operate it with a secondary domain name, he or she can use an overseas server as a transitional use of the website's early operation. When the website starts to make profits in the middle of its operation, he or she can set up a company dedicated to corporate operation of domestic servers.

Fourth, if there are already enterprises, they can directly use domestic servers for operation, because the administration is not so strict about the content of enterprise websites, as long as it does not violate the relevant regulations. However, because the administration requirements of each province are different, there will be deviations in some places, but there will be no major problems in the overall content requirements.

Fifth, select the talent network system to install and launch, and then start to promote and operate after configuration.

For details, please add qq 511930043. Please note the establishment of talent network.

Establishment of talent network

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Received 3 comments
Today's headlines 2022-04-11 16:01
Not every fate can last forever; Not every love has an end. The reheated heart will cool if it is not valued; No matter how deep the feeling is, it will fade if it is not treasured
An essay 2021-01-14 09:19
The filing information of your website should be updated! The home page of Jing'an Network has reminded me that I saw you in that list
Dreamer 2021-01-22 14:12
@An essay: Thank you very much for reminding me.